Cabin Boy

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Dear Mother,

I'm sorry for everything I've done, I hope you can forgive me. I also hope that if there is a Heaven, that you are safe there. I'm alone now, but I guess I deserve it.

After the Pirates raided our town, they took me on board as prisoner. But the captain, Black Beard, thought I would be better off as his Cabin Boy.

I work everyday, being fed minimum amounts of food and water. The Captain has been awfully compassionate to me. It's only a matter of time before death kisses me. I know Black Beard is only being this way since he killed you right in front of me. It was my fault you were killed in the first place. I knew I should have hid, but I thought I was strong enough to fight them off like father. Now both of you are gone, and I have nothing to live for.

I'm sorry....


Dear Mother,

I've been aboard Black Beard's ship for a while now. I'm not sure what day it is, I stopped counting. Black Beard is on the search for the Fountain of Youth. He asserted that if one drinks the water with a certain goblet, they will live twice the years they are supposed to live.

I'm not sure why he wants to live for so long, but I doubt that we'll find such a magical thing in this world.

I have to go now, I'll write soon...


Dear Mother,

I"m in absolute, utter, pain. I stole food, I couldn't help it. Because of that, I was whipped twenty times by the Captain, himself. My back stings and aches so much that it's hard to move now.

I haven't made any friends still. All the crew is older than me by at least ten years. They treat me like dirt even though I'm sixteen... At least I think I'm sixteen. So yes, I'm still alone and I guess that's how I'll be for the rest of my life....

Anyway, we've reached the location of the Fountain of Youth. It will take a day hike to get there, according to the Captain. I'm honestly a bit frightened. Maybe I can somehow escape....

The only interesting part is that I'm a very good sword fighter now. I'm almost as good as the Captain. Maybe one day, I'll fight my way to freedom.


Dear Mother,

I was whipped twice today. It's not fair, honestly. Everything I do is apparently wrong. The Captain is furious with me now. I feel so weak, I don't know if I can make it anymore...


Dear Mother,

I actually cannot believe it, but, we found it. We found the Fountain of Youth. I was also whipped again this morning. I can barely walk now. I wish you were here, Mother. Maybe tomorrow I can join you...

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