A Fiery Nightmare

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That's all she could see, smell, hear. It filled her senses. She could see the fire, raging red and hot, it flames licking at the edges of the house in the tree of a small pixie family. Its heat unforgiving and dangerous, its white hot flames not listening to the fire beings, destroying, wrecking, killing with nothing to stop it; nothing it couldn't burn through with its deadly hands. She could smell the overwhelming scent of burning wood, wood that made up a tree that protected and housed a family, a kind gentle, loving family. She suddenly felt sick to her stomach just watching this scene unfold in front of her, completely helpless, worthless, completely and utterly useless as a house is burned and as the fire reaches out its hands for another victim, taking it into its arms and consuming it until all around her there is only fire and smoke and all she can hear is screaming. The screaming of mothers to protect their children and of spouses to protect their loved ones and everybody and anybody screaming for help, for water, please can't someone just help, the fire is spreading, it can reach too far, it is taking more people in. Again, she stands there and hears their cries, yet she can't do anything. What can she do?!! She doesn't want to see these people suffer. They don't deserve to suffer, they are families, and some are just children. What could they have ever done to deserve this?

She stands there and her senses are filled with fire and smoke and screaming and the deadly heat of a raging fire, that is taking people into its grasp and what can she do? Nothing. She can do nothing but stand there and watch and feel, completely helpless, worthless, completely and utterly useless. So, she stands and watches as the fire spreads and then she sees a small boy from her school turn to her and screams words that she cannot hear. She can only see his lips moving, he looks so sad. What is he saying? She cannot see through the wall of fire around her, as she stands and watches the fire take the lives of so many. He is still yelling, his lips seem to say, please stop! We are sorry. Please stop the fire. Please!

All she could see, hear and smell was that of a raging fire and the damage it does, as she stands in the middle of it with her hands fisted and with the fire licking at her skin doing no harm to her. Her. The girl who controlled the fire.

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