Ch 20. We Miss You

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June 10th (Three weeks later)

Grace sat by Hannah's beside in a private room on the third floor of the hospital in the neurological wing. For three week she has spent at the hospital. The entire time Hannah has been in a coma. Grace didn't know what to do she wanted to help but all the doctors kept saying was that they had to wait until Hannah's head healed. Hannah's head is already injured because of the cancer and two days before they thought she was going to be declared cancer free she suffered from a seizure.

On Monday May 22 Grace was supposed to take Hannah for a few more test to see if the cancer had stopped progressing. If it stopped progressing then her doctor said she would be in the clear. Because of the seizure it has stopped Hannah's cancer treatments There's nothing they can do until Hannah comes out of the coma.

They were making great progress with the treatments and now the doctors had to wait.

Grace sat there trying to focus on positing her latest video. She didn't want her viewers to know anything was wrong. Mamrie and her posted on Hannah's channel saying everything was fine that Hannah wasn't feeling to well to post anything lately. She focused editing and managing her social media accounts. The two friends even posted a few things on Hannah's twitter and Facebook. When she was almost done when here came Mamrie walking in the room.

"Hey how's are little star doing?" Mamrie asked as she brought in a bouquet of flowers and Zack following behind her.

"Same old same old." Grace said, she thought about what Mamrie said, Hannah was smaller then usual. The bed made the 5ft 4in girl look like she was barely hitting five feet. Between the weight lose from the chemo and having to be feed through IV the last three weeks it did a number on Hannah.

Mamrie tried to  visit once a day spending a two or three hours each time she was there. Talking to Hannah, comforting Grace, she even spent a few nights at the hospital with Hannah so Grace could go home and sleep in her own bed. She tried to be there as much as she could but it was difficult with her promoting her new book. "A comedians guide on faking it until you make it"  The book went into more depths then her first one and it talked a lot about pursuing a career in comedy. It was tough trying to focus on the book and promoting it when Hannah was stuck in the hospital.

Grace got up and hugged Mamrie. "Zack why don't you take Grace to get something to eat. I'll stay here with Hannah."

"M, I am fine."

"When was the last time you have eaten?"

Grace looked up at Mamrie, "Since breakfast yesterday."

"Exactly, and now you should go eat since it's lunch time today." Grace had a hard time eating lately, Mamrie had to practically force food down her throat.

Zack took Grace by the hand and led her to the cafeteria. Mamrie re-positioned the seat by Hannah and sat down next to her. "Hey beautiful we miss you out here, when are you going to stop living in your own world and join us out here? We all love and miss you."

Mamrie whipped a single tear that ran down her cheek, grabbed Hannah's hand and started stroking it back and forth. "I know Zack doesn't mind that we delayed the wedding, but I can still tell it bothers him a little bit. I can't get married unless my two best friends are there. I don't even care if my family is there you and Grace are my family. Oh and Tyler but he's just like the weird Gay uncle that's just always around. I don't know what I would do without you and Grace."

She passed and let out a sigh. She closed her eyes took a deep breath before she started talking again. "I need you to come back to us not only for Grace's sake but for all of ours. Everyone wishes they could visit more often but you know them. They are busy this time of year. Mostly with vidcon coming up, which you need to wake up and get better so the three of us can go again together, it will be our 4 year anniversary as friends. Four crazy years that I wouldn't trade anything in the world for." Mamrie sat there staring at Hannah, she would do this a couple times a week. Give her an update on what's going in everyone's lives. She thought if she said the right thing then maybe it would wake Hannah up. Nothing she said ever worked. She laid in the same position minute by minute, day after day.  "Sweetie please just wake up we need you out here. I almost lost it yesterday when I was at my interview with Glamour. I don't know why they would want to talk to me. there's nothing glamourize about me"

Mamrie sat there holding Hannah's hand hoping something would change. She wished that somehow the universe would let Hannah out of what ever she was in and come into reality and wake up.

While Mamrie held Hannah's hand her head bent just wishing Hannah would get better she felt something move in her hand. At first she thought it was a bug. She looked up and noticed Hannah's hand twitching and her eyes begin to open.


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