Ch. 16 You Okay?

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"You're engaged?!" Hannah and Grace said at the same time.

"Yeah he asked me this morning, I woke up and he was kneeling down next to me while putting this ring on my finger. So I said yes. I never thought  I would get married but there's something about him. Who wants to get lunch with me to celebrate?"
Mamrie sat there as she twirled the ring around her finger still trying to used to the fact that something was on her hand.

"I wish I could but I have a collab with Lilly in a hour. I need to get ready and going soon. We could go out for drinks later." Grace spoke as she hugged her friend.

"I am free today so I can definitely get lunch. Let me get my shoes." Hannah went to get a pair of converse as Grace followed her into the bedroom. "I wish you could come with us, could you re-schedule?"

"Babe I wish I could but I already rescheduled with Lilly, I can't do it again."  Grace moved closer to Hannah who was sitting on the bed tying her shoes.  She looked up, Grace was kneeling right in front of her, her hair laying down the side of her shoulders wet. Hannah ran her fingers through her girlfriends hair rest the onto the back of her neck. She pulled her in close and gave her light kiss on the lips. As she pulled away she felt light headed. She opened her eyes and stared at Grace for a second.

"You okay?" Grace asked as she grabbed Hannah's elbow. She stared with a concern look making sure the love of her life was feeling all right.

"Yeah I am fine, it will be okay. I just haven't had anything to eat yet well besides you." Hannah gave a wink and let out a little laugh. She stood up feeling light headed but let it pass. "I will go get some lunch with Mamrie, I will be fine, and you should get ready for you collab with Lilly."

"Sounds good baby. I will see you later you have a great Sunday." Grace kissed Hannah one last time and made her way into the bathroom.

Hannah watched as Grace walked away and made her way into the living room grabbing her keys and phone on the way out.


Mamrie pulled into one of her favorite restaurants The Grain Cafe.  The two friends got out of the car and made their way into restaurant. They sat on the patio looking at the menu's in-front of them, ordered, and started eating all while Mamrie talked about wedding ideas. Where it should be, how many people they should invite and who the maid of honor is going to be. "Haha maybe I should just have Tyler be my maid of honor."

"I think he would enjoy that. He could wear a dress instead of a suit."

"He might look better in a dress then me." Mamrie let out a laugh as she took a bite out of her wrap. "I don't want that to happen. Were thinking about having it in April, the weather will be nice and it will give us 6 months to plan. We don't want it to big but it does take some time to plan. I.."  In the middle of Mamrie's sentence Hannah started to drift off and fell out of her chair.

"Hannah!! Hannah!!! Can you hear me, Hannah...." Mamrie's voice seemed to drift away as Hannah laid on the ground.


As Hannah started to wake up she noticed two men standing over her. "Do you know your name? Do you know where your at?" One of the paramedics asked knelling besides her.

"Well I haven't... had a guyyy stand over me... beforreee let alone two." Hannah said struggling to get out.

Mamrie let out a laugh with a little bit a of cry. She was standing eight feet away from her friend concerned if she was okay. "Well that's true."

"Let's take her to the hospital to make sure she didn't suffer from a concussion or has a brain bleed" As the paramedics grabbed a gurney Hannah sat up and looked around. The whole restaurant was watching her. "No wait, I don't need to go the hospital."

"You need to go to the hospital the doctors will need to run test to find out why you fainted." The paramedics stated trying to get Hannah onto the gurney. She refused as she started to stand up.

"Hannah let them help you we need to find out why you passed out like that." Mamrie said.

"It's fine I know why I passed out it will fine. Can we go now?" Hannah asked as she stood up and started to walk away from the spot she fell. She grabbed her phone and walked out off the patio and headed to the car.

"Sorry about that." Mamrie said as she put two twenty's on the table. She walked towards the parking lot to her car. Hannah was already leaning against the hood of the car waiting to leave. "What the hell was that all about, you should have let those paramedics take you to the hospital. What did you mean you know why you fainted, people don't just faint."

"Well I do I just thought it wouldn't happen like this. They say it affects everyone different though. I thought I would get a couple headaches and it would be fine." Hannah half talked to herself as she got into the car. Mamrie got into the driver seat but didn't even

"Hannah what are you talking, about please just tell me what's going on."

Hannah looked at her feet took a second to speak then looked up at Mamrie who was already looking at. "You have to promise to not tell Grace. I just haven't told her yet and I have been thinking of a way to tell her."

"Yeah I won't tell her I promise."

"So a month I started having headaches, these really bad headaches so I went to the doctors to see if it was a migraine and if I could get some medicine for it. Long story short they ran some test and they found out I have a grade two oligodendroglioma."


"I have a brain tumor."

"You have cancer?"

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