Infinity times infinity Part 1

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His life has always been uncertain; full of insecurity, full of ambiguity. Growing up, he didn't know what he wanted, where he wanted to be or what he wanted to do. Passing through many majors, many degrees, he was still undecided as to what his ambition in life was. What that one reason was, to wake up every day in the morning. And because of some twist of fate, he somehow fell into acting, and nothing had made him feel more alive before. This is it, this is what he wanted. Everything fell into place. New place, new people, new atmosphere, new routine, new pace; just the kind of recipe he needed, to feel alive again.

A few months had passed by, acting in two different shows and it was exhilarating. The fame, the success, the appreciation and also the disapproval.

Her life was monotonous. There was nothing exhilarating, nothing that took her breath away. She was a keen workaholic, she worshiped her work, and gave every waking hour to her work. She started working from the time she was twenty, and hadn't stopped ever since. While normal young adult girls would be studying and making mistakes and running after boys and partying, she was working. She was being responsible. She was earning and saving. She was not the typical kind of girl, she had to work for every penny she earned. And her hard work paid off, because not only is she the most sought out Indian television actress but she's also quite a popular face globally. And while she has all the luxury, fame, success and money she was still unhappy. Displeased with the monotony her life has become. She never got the chance to be a normal girl, chasing her dreams, being chased my boys, flirting...normal things like flirting. Being wooed by a guy. From the time she was twenty till 30, she was in a serious relationship with a guy, and she dedicated her whole life to him. And when that ended, she was devastated.

It was his first day at a new show and he was quite excited but also nervous at the same time. He's heard about this show, heard that some of the finest actors works in this show, and him being a newcomer, he wasn't sure how he would be welcomed. The atmosphere seemed like any other show...the buzzing, the hassling. He loved it. His first scene was with Anita. He hadn't heard much about her, but he knew she's the vamp of the show. She was like any other experienced actor, same attitude, same outlook. After his shot was done, he came out to mingle with the rest of the cast and they were all outside, watching a scene of the leads. He didn't know much about the leads but only knew that they're well refined actors, and he was ecstatic to be working with them. He could see that the leads were doing an intense scene and for the first time he saw her; the female lead, clad in a red saree. He could see that she was trying hard. Trying hard to feel, to go on. And he could also see that she was beautiful, absolutely stunning. But there was something missing.

"Who is she?" he asked Shireen, who had introduced herself a few minutes ago.

"That's Divyanka. She is the lead of the show."

"What is she like?"

"Oh, she's amazing. She's sweet and kind, she's actually one of a kind. Not like the other leads. She oozes love and warmth."

He looked at Divyanka again, and what he saw oozing out of her was an underlining sadness. He is an expert in gauging people, and he could gauge that she's sad. He knew that instant he'd like to get to know her, and since he knew she was a big TV star, he googled.

He found plenty after googling her, her whole life was out in the open. And he took a moment and thought about how that sucked, when every little thing about your life is there for everyone to see, comment and judge. He found out more about her than he thought he would, and found out more about her than he thought he would when he first joined the show. He kept observing her throughout, and he saw the aura with which she walked and worked. She was charming, enchanting, hypnotizing and he knew that this woman is no ordinary woman. This woman demanded respect.

He thought of going to talk to her after the shot and since Shireen said she is sweet and kind, he didn't have any hesitations.

After the shot was done, she was speaking with the production and he could tell she was annoyed. He had second thoughts about talking to her but knew if he didn't, he wouldn't be able to sleep at night. He would stay awake all night, pondering how it might've gone. As soon as she was seen leaving with her entourage, he made a move, and stood right in front of her, completely taking her off guard. He worried this might've not been welcoming with her, but then she opened her mouth to speak.

"Yes?" she asked, in the sweetest tone possible. "May I help you?"

"I...I wanted to...I" he didn't know what took over him, he wasn't able to form sentences. The otherwise articulate man was left speechless in front of this beauty. "Hi, Ma'am. My name is Vivek Dahiya. I just joined today."

"Oh, you're Vivek Dahiya! You're Mihika's love interest! Nice to meet you." She shook his hand. "I am Divyanka Tripathi, and please don't call me Ma'am." She smiled, and left. Didn't even give him a chance to respond or talk further. He was a bit stunned. She seemed sweet, but also arrogant at the same time. Is everyone wrong in judging her, is she actually the sweet person everyone thinks she is? Or is she actually an arrogant person hiding under the sweet girl façade. He needed to know more.

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