Part 3

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They had started hanging out after work and he had started to enjoy her company quite a lot. Although she still seemed like a mystery to him.

Today they decided to go to the movies together. He is a huge movie buff and he was tired of going to the movies alone. Being the perfect gentleman that he is, he thought he would go and pick her from her house. Assuming she was home, at sharp 8:30 he went to her residence and waited outside for ten minutes, and then decided to call her.

After he called her, she informed him that she was caught up with work which would require her to stay back in the studio for a while and she would not be able to make it, and if they would reschedule.

He did not want to reschedule, so he decided to go to the sets and surprise her and wait till she is done with her work and then go to the movies, even if it meant they would have to catch the movie at a later time.

From the past few days, he would always hang out with her and would casually enter the room and it has become a habit now. Today was no different so he casually entered the room only to find her talking and laughing with someone else. His smiling face turned into a confused one.

"Vivek!" she called, equally confused as well as, surprised. "What are you doing here?" she continued.

"Oh. I..." he looked at the man sitting next to her. "I thought I would wait until you finished with your work and then we could go watch the movie after that but seems like you are too busy. Sorry for disturbing." He turned around and left.

She was confused. Why did he seem hurt? She tried to gather what had happened and what she could have possibly done to hurt him or what he could have seen to make him hurt.

She diverted her attention back to her friend sitting next to her who was probably wondering what had transpired a few seconds ago. "Sorry Dev, what were you saying?"

"Who was that?" Dev asked, curious.

"Oh, just a colleague."

"Is everything alright? He didn't seem fine."

"Everything is fine. We had made plans to go watch a movie today so he had come for that."

"Then why did he leave looking upset?"

"I...I don't know."

He wondered why she lied. Why she said she was busy working when she was clearly not. If she did not want to hang out, she could have said so. Why lie? He decided he would go watch the movie alone, like he always does.

The next day he had a scene with her and although he was a professional, the thought of facing her made him feel awkward. Deciding to keep it aside, he went to work. He saw that her car wasn't there which was unusual as she is always one of the first people to arrive. Her punctuality, even after being a huge star, was impeccable. He wondered if she would not come to work today. But then, this is Divyanka and she is a workaholic who puts her work above everything, unless there is an emergency.

She was running late today as her driver had decided to abandon her last minute and she had to drive herself to work. And the traffic and the roads of Mumbai, my god! It is the one thing she hated about this city. Being an urbanized city, Mumbai sure has dreadful roads. Since she always has her breakfast while commuting to work to save time, she had to have it in between traffic stops to eat.

Although she was late, she made it just in time for shoot. Problem was, she didn't make it just in time for hair and makeup so the shoot will have to wait. Doing her hair and makeup every day takes a lot of time and it doesn't matter if she is a pro at it and does it every day, it still requires quite a lot of her time.

She felt terrible for being late and making the cast and crew wait for her, as she knew how much she hated waiting herself. She tried to quickly finish off her hair and makeup and get to the shoot.

She saw Vivek waiting for her with the cast and crew. She totally forgot about him and the incident that happened last night and she wondered if all is well between them. She decided to act cool and address him as she would usually do. "Hey, Vivek. Sorry for being late. I had to drive myself today and you know how the traffic is."

"It's cool," he said, turning away from her. Cool. It's cool. Okay cool.

Throughout the scene Vivek was acting weird but she didn't give much thought. She was too into the scene to have noticed. But Vivek was well aware of what was happening. How there was this tension between them and how he felt it.

"Can we go for lunch?" she asked him, after their shot was over. He wanted to have lunch with her because he wanted to clear the air. He was new to the city and he didn't have many friends. He considered her a friend and didn't want to lose the friendship. In addition to that, she was his colleague and it's always good to have a good rapport with them and less tension.

"Yes, sure."

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