Part 5

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She was touched, really touched. He had already watched the movie but he insisted on accompanying her.

"It's alright Vivek, you don't have to come. I can go with someone else or wait till the DVD comes out. I don't want to waste your time."

"Come on, yaar! You won't be wasting my time. Like I said, it is a brilliant movie and I would love to watch it again. Trust me, I'm not doing you any favours, I have a selfish agenda behind accompanying you," he said, winking.

"If you insist, I will take you with me." She smiled.

After they finished their lunch, they went back to the studio. She had to get ready for the rest of her shots but unlike yesterday, she would be done early today. She couldn't wait to go to the movies with him. She was excited about something after a very long time and she didn't remember the last time she was excited about something. Throughout the day, all she could think about was the time she spent having lunch with him. She loved his company and it was nice to meet someone fresh. Someone new. She was so used to meeting the same people, seeing the same faces. He brought in a sort of freshness she had craved for and missed. Usually, she doesn't get close to people too fast or too easily. Although she may trust people fast, she never gets close to them. With him, she didn't have an inhibition...she felt like she could tell him anything and like she has known him for a long time. And while she would not want to admit it, she felt good yesterday. She felt good seeing him hurt because of her. Maybe it was selfish of her, maybe it was inhuman but she did. It felt like he cared, and god knows she didn't know what that felt like. Yes, she has thousands of admirers, thousands of people who love her. But only a few care for her, and yesterday it felt like it did and it gave her goosebumps just thinking about it.

"Stop it, Divyanka! What are you doing? Why are you daydreaming about him?! Come out of it!" she thought to herself. She went to the washroom and washed her face twice. Why was she doing this?

The next scene she had was with Shireen. She loved working here and loved working with everyone. It was the only thing currently that kept fueling her.

"Right? Hello? Divyanka? Where are you lost?" Shireen snapped her fingers on her face.

"What?" she asked.

"Did you even listen to a word I said?" Shireen asked, annoyed.

"Uhh. No. I..."

"You were daydreaming about someone. It must be someone special because you should have seen the smile on your face. Who is it, Madam?" Shireen teased.

"Kuch bhi Shireen! Whom will I daydream about! Anyway, what were you saying?"

"I was saying that, don't you find Vivek so handsome? We are blessed with handsome men in our show but Vivek is not only handsome, he's intelligent too. Beauty with brains."

Vivek seems to be the topic of discussion with everyone. He's already mingled with the rest of the cast and everyone loves him. He's a smooth talker and very charming.

"Again you're lost!" Shireen exclaimed. "By the way, where did you go with him today?" she didn't think anyone saw it.

"How did you know?"

"News travels fast here. But, I saw you both leaving in his car."

"Oh. We went for lunch."

"Lunch? Just like that?"

"Yes Shireen, just like that."

"Okay tell me, is he single?"

"Why, you want to make a move?"


"No, he is not single."She knew he was and yet she lied. Why? She didn't know why she lied. "I have to go."

She left from there and went to her room. She didn't know why she lied but the prospect of someone wanting to know if he was single didn't gel with her well. But why? She shouldn't care if someone wanted to get close to him. He was just a friend. And she was just a friend to him. Why would she even mind? She didn't. She would go out and tell Shireen she lied and that Vivek, is in fact, single.

She went back out only to see her talking to Vivek. He was sitting where she was and they were laughing about something. She decided to go back to her room. She wanted to talk to him...only because she wanted to know plans for today and not because of anything else.

What's your plans for today, Mister? She texted him but she didn't expect him to reply as soon as possible since he was probably busy with Shireen.

Planning to take a beautiful girl out for a movie. Yours? He replied rather quick and her heart skipped a beat as soon as she read. She looked at herself in the mirror and she was blushing and no matter how much she tried to, she couldn't stop.

Oh I don't know. It will probably be a very boring day today. She replied, giggling.

Is that so? Where are you, btw?

I'm afraid so. In my room.

Are you busy?


She barely sent it before she heard a knock and in came Vivek, joyfully. "Why are you smiling so wide?" he asked her. She didn't even know she was smiling so widely.

"Oh, just. What are you doing here?"

"Thought I would come and put some sense into your head since you're under the impression that you're gonna have a boring day, and lemme tell you lady, you're never gonna be bored when you're with Vivek Dahiya," he said winking.

And there it was again, her heart skipping a beat. She was standing and he came closer to her making her heart beat faster after every step he took. Before she knew it, she was stepping back as he was coming closer until she couldn't go back anymore. He came closer, with just a few inches from her, pushing half his body on her, his face only mere inches beside hers. He grabbed something from behind her, turned around and left.

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