Part 10

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She was about to turn around and open her door when she felt Adarsh hold her elbow and turn her back around, with him only inches away from her face.

She quickly backed off and turned her face away before he could try to kiss her and pushed his hand away. "What the...?" she screamed, bewildered. No one. No one ever tried to make a move at her and she didn't think it was even possible. She thought she was very clear with her demeanor this evening that she was not happy with the date or the least bit interested. He walked a few inches away and looked at her embarrassed. At least he looked genuinely embarrassed and that gave her a sense of calmness, which prompted her to cool down.

"I'm sorry. I...I have no idea." He paused, covering his eyes. "I thought this was something you do at the end of the date," he said looking at her face.

She wouldn't know. She wouldn't know if this is what people did on the first date because she's never been on one, and after today she knew she didn't want to ever experience that if this is how first dates go.

She is Divyanka Tripathi and her first date was a disaster and she wished to be clear with her thoughts and hence told him all about it, so he wouldn't misinterpret anything.

"See Adarsh, I don't know what people do on first dates. I thought I could try to see if I could have a future with you but to be honest, this date sucked. And I don't want you to misjudge this date but it was horrible. I don't think this could work out between us. Thank you for the dinner and I hope you find the person you are looking for."

"Oh." He extended his hand. "Don't worry, I won't try to kiss you again," he smirked. "I'm sorry this date was a disaster, it was not my intention. I hope you at least had a little fun, or even liked the food. I think you're an absolutely lovely girl and I am disappointed this did not work out between us. I hope you find someone too," he said, hugging her. And she hugged him back. She was glad this horrible date ended on a nice note.

She stood outside watching him walk away and she wondered what she was going to do. She thought it would be easy, trying to find a life partner for her and so she kept putting it off. But this was not easy business. She sighed, pushing her back against the door. What was she going to do now? She knew she didn't want to go on more blind dates, that's for sure.

She checked her phone to see if there were any messages and was disappointed to find it empty. Disappointed to see he hadn't messaged her, but how could he have, with the way she behaved with him today?!

Pouting, she opened the door and went inside her empty house. It wasn't empty materialistically, but it was lifeless.

He was in two minds today. He had to shoot with her and he was not ready to see her. He needed to know about her date and he thought he would ask her, even when he was not supposed to know. Unlike any other day, he was reluctant to go to work and he thought of calling in sick. He hated this. He hated that she did this to him, made him not want to go to work when he loves his work.

He thought as soon as he goes to set, he would go to her room and talk with her, so when later they shoot, it wouldn't tamper with the shoot. Like always, she was already there when he pulled up. They still had a couple of hours left so he thought he would go to her now.

As he was walking to her room, instead of turning a left to her room, he went straight to his because he started to freak out. What is he doing? Why is he going to her? Why would he ask her about her date? Why is her date with a random guy of concern to him? Why does she occupy his mind so much?

There are so many characters in the show, why does she have so many scenes with only him?! Her first scene is with him and her last scene is with him. It at least gave her a sense of satisfaction knowing he doesn't know anything about the date and she didn't know what she would've done had he known. It somehow felt wrong. It felt wrong that she went on a date with someone else; it felt like she was cheating on her. She knew there was clearly something between them, a force that kept pulling each other close like a magnet.

Like most of their scenes, this scene was shot outside too and she hated it because it was too sunny outside. And on top of that, she couldn't wear shades. She saw him approach and she noticed just how dashing he looked in his jeans, leather jacket and shades. He looked like a total model and she hadn't realized that she was staring at him until the director called her.

The director was going through the scene with both of them and he was standing next to her, towering over her, so close that she could smell him and he smelled so, so good she couldn't concentrate.

They had a few more minutes left before all the props were done and the cameras were all set. They were still standing in the position the director left them and it was awkward. Neither said a word to each other and they could both cut the tension with a knife.

Vivek deicded to break the ice because he didn't want it to be awkward because after all, she's the lead of the show and he needs to work with this woman. "So, how was the date?" he asked, sternly. She looked at him, surprised. How did he know? Did Shireen tell him?

"How did you know?"

"That's not important. Did you have fun?"

"Did Shireen tell you?"

"Is he the one?"

No one is winning this game. The awkward silence that was there doubled and it became even more awkward. He was not happy, she sensed. She was mortified, he sensed.

She had no escape. She didn't think she would've had to deal with this, this soon.

She didn't know what to do, so she did the first thing that came to her mind, she walked away...slowly...then ran.

He knew it. He somehow knew she would run but he couldn't let her win, not today, not now, not when she had made his mind miserable. So he chased her.

Luckily, she couldn't run or walk fast enough and he caught up to her right before she could enter her room and pushed her against the wall next to her door.

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