Part 6

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Part 6

She didn't know what just happened and she didn't even want to know. She was freaking out. What was that? Why did she feel so intensely to him being so close to her? Why did he affect her so much? She was still standing in the position he left her in, against her table, and she was trying to figure out what had transpired between them. Why he did that and why he just left after doing that. She looked back at the table and saw the chocolate that she kept earlier missing and figured he probably wanted to take that. Oh God! What an idiot she was! She was sure he sensed her racing heartbeat and probably freaked out, which is why he left! He is going to think she is a loose case now! What is she supposed to do?!

His intention was only to take the chocolate but as soon as he went closer to her, his vision blurred and all he could sense was her racing heartbeat, which prompted his to race as well. He was only going to take the chocolate but being so close to her, he just wanted to feel her and without thinking properly, pushed himself against her. He didn't want her to see his face, which looked terrified as well as visibly affected by everything surrounding her; her odor, her breath, her heartbeat and the way she felt against him, and so without even looking at her, he left. And he felt terrible. Terrible because he wanted more, wanted to feel her more and terrible because of how he left abruptly when he knew millions of questions must've been racing in her mind.

She was thankful her next scene wasn't with him and it was with Raj and she had hoped she wouldn't come across him throughout the day, because she wouldn't know how to face him. But before she could calm down and relax, she remembered she had planned to go to the movies with him. How was she supposed to face him now?

He didn't have anything to do for the rest of the day so he decided to go work out and kill his thoughts and feelings there. Working out was his therapy, as well as shopping. But he couldn't go shopping and working out was a much better option. Before he left he decided to go talk to her but then decided against it when he saw her doing her scene outside. He stood afar for a while to watch it. He admired the way she flawlessly acted, without any inhibitions. And he loved doing scenes with her because he got to learn so much from her. He left there after a while with a smile on his face.

She saw him leave but pretended like she didn't see him. She also saw that he stood there for a while and was looking at the scene. She was glad in a way that he left but she had hoped he would've spoken to her before leaving. Maybe she had made such a mess out of herself that he didn't want to. She wouldn't even be surprised if he cancelled the movie date. That's also probably why he left early without bidding goodbye, so he would have an excuse when he cancels their plans.

Even though his goal of working out right now was so he could stop thinking about what took place, he couldn't. He could still smell her, still feel her and still hear her. As much as he tried putting pressure into his workout and his body, his mind couldn't stop racing. He didn't want this. He didn't want to feel this way, because even he knew this is dangerous territory and he was old enough to recognize this feeling. He wasn't a kid; he knew what was happening to him. He just didn't want it. After one and a half hours, he decided to go home and freshen up, just in time for him to go pick her up.

She finished with her last scene for the day and was sitting in her chair relaxing. She always did this after her last scene...sat silently in her chair and just relaxed. Her work was hectic and she just needed a moment of peace before she would change and go home. But she couldn't. She couldn't relax and she hadn't been able to all day. She just wanted this to end, this nagging feeling. It was making it hard for her to breathe and she hated it. She didn't quite know what it was, why she was feeling this. And even if she knew, she didn't want to acknowledge it.

Just as she was done with everything and was wondering whether she should go home or wait, he calls. And just as she saw his name on display, her heart started to race again just as hard, for the second time today. She didn't pick up immediately; she wanted to prepare herself for what he might say. As she was about to answer the call, he ends it. And when he calls for the second time, without thinking she answers after the first ring. "Hello," she said breathless.

"Oh hi. I thought you were busy again."

"No," she said sitting down.

"Oh alright. Well, if you're done with work come outside. I'm waiting."

"Oh, so we are going to watch the movie?"

"Yes. Why did you think otherwise?"

"No reason. I'll be there in 5 minutes."

She got into his car a few minutes later and she was freaking out. She really did expect him to cancel the plans. Maybe he's just a nice guy who doesn't have any reservations with hanging out with idiots as well.

"Hi," she said, trying not to look terrified.

"Hi." He smiled so sweetly. So sweet she felt butterflies in her stomach, and felt a sense of calm that she hasn't been able to feel all day. "Shall we go now?"


At this time, like most times, there was a lot of traffic so the car was filled with a lot of awkward silences.

"Hmm Divyanka.." "Hmm Vivek..." they both said at the same time, then looked at each other and laughed. "You go." "No you go," she said.

"Why did you feel I wouldn't come?" she didn't know what to say. She wanted to lie but she hates lying and people who lie. She didn't want there to be any lies between them because she thought he could be a really great friend and she didn't like lies coming in between her friendships.

"Earlier today... that thing in the room."

"Oh." He interrupted her. He didn't think she would be so straightforward and honestly he was surprised. He keeps learning new things about her every day and he loved unraveling her. "About that, I...I was embarrassed."

"I was too."

"It felt a bit awkward, so I left."


"No, no... it's nothing to do with you. It's just that I was going to take the chocolate and...I shouldn't have invaded your privacy like that."

"Oh no... I mean, it's alright. You don't have to be embarrassed. I was just...I guess I was just confused why you left all of a sudden."

"Oh...well like I said, it felt awkward."


"Anyway, let's not... I mean, it was just a silly thing." He laughed.

"Yes." She laughed back.

But they both knew that it was not a silly thing, and they both knew that things went from bad to worse...real quick. 

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