Part 7

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She went to their seats while he went to get popcorn. It was a horror movie and she was really excited to watch this movie. Mainly because she couldn't recall the last movie she watched in a theatre or the last time she watched a movie in the theatre.

He came inside a few minutes before the movie started and gave her popcorn to her.

"You know, this is one of my most favourite things to do. Coming here, buying popcorn and watching a movie. I love doing it."

"What sorts of movies do you like?"

"All sorts. I love watching all sorts of movies. Even bad ones, I like watching. What about you?"

"Me too. I love watching movies but I never get the chance. I'm not someone who can watch a movie alone, I need company."

"Well, you've got a movie companion for life in me," he said smiling and looking at her.

She looked at him because what he just said was utter sweetness. They stared at each other for a while, lost in each other's eyes. When he first met her, he could see sadness in her eyes but what he is seeing right now, is not that. It's something else. He couldn't quite put his finger into what it was, but it was definitely not sadness. And he had hoped he was the reason that sadness is not there anymore. Before he could stop himself, he was finding himself going closer to her. He wanted to look through her eyes; he wanted to be closer. Nothing was there in that moment except her eyes. He was brought back from his thoughts by her moving her head and he hadn't realized just how close he had gotten to her.

Oh my god! The third time today her heart was beating so rapidly! What was happening to her?! And why did he come so close to her?! She wanted to escape; she wanted to get out of there. She was starting to get suffocated and she needed to leave. But she couldn't. She didn't want to make it more awkward than it is and thankfully the movie had started right at that time, so both of them were able to get distracted. Throughout the movie, neither looked at each other. And although the movie was a distraction, they were both distracted to concentrate on the movie. All they could think about was today. The whole day. Everything that had happened throughout the day.

They walked out of the movie after it ended in awkward silence and both could sense a sort of tension between them, it was apparent. "So, do you want to go out for dinner?" he asked, out of courtesy. Yes, he loves her company but all he wanted to do at this moment was go home and sort his head. There was too much happening, too many things taking place at the same time.

No. She did not want to go for dinner with him. She wanted to run. "Actually, I have an early call time tomorrow so I think I should go home."

Thank god! "Oh, okay. Well, see you tomorrow then." He went to hug her, just as she was about to hug him and they both collided awkwardly. In the end, they decided to shake hands and she left. She was walking fast away from him when she remembered she came with him. "Oh shit! Now what?!" She thought. Can this day get any more worse?!

As she was about to call her driver, she saw him call her. She answered his call.

"Oh hi. I just realized you came with me. Do you want me to drop you?" she didn't think it was a good idea. It was better she called her driver. She couldn't face him again, not today at least. She had a lot of mentally sorting out to do.

"No I can manage. Thank you."

That night, although they were both tired and spent, neither could fall asleep. So many thoughts had occupied their mind and sleep was the last thing in their mind. Surely he knew why he seemed restless and why all he could think about was her. He just did not want it. He has fallen for many over the years and this feeling is not new but the previous times he had fallen, he didn't feel this restless or wrong and yet so right. First of all, she was an actor and way out of his league. Secondly, they both work together. Third, he didn't know much about her. He knew he couldn't drag this more than it already has been dragged and he knew the best thing right now for him was to concentrate on his career and not do something that could possibly ruin it. It's taken him so long to finally do something that he loves, that he has put his entire heart and soul into and he couldn't jeopardize that for something that could not mean anything. He would only be friends with her, because he liked hanging out with her and being friends is not harmful. He decided he would keep his feelings intact and anyway, he was a pro when it came to hiding his feelings and with her it wouldn't be different when it came to doing just that, hiding his feelings.

She has already been through this before and it would be stupidity of her to put herself through this again. She had no idea who this man was, nothing about his background and nothing about his future goals. Most of the time, she has to be careful with whom she surrounds herself with and whom she opens up to. And most of the time she is. She is at a position where most people only want her attention for their own benefit. Most use her while only a very few are truly her well-wishers. So ideally, he is not someone she should get close to or trust. On top of it, he's an actor and she's had enough of actors. After her last relationship, one thing she promised herself was how she would not get close to an actor. She can get close to them but nothing beyond a friendship, and whatever this thing with him was... was certainly going further than just mere friendship. And it scared her; it scared the hell out of her. She decided she needed to just keep it casual and she knew hanging out with him more often would be problematic. And the only way to do that was avoid him and only interact with him while doing a scene or working.

Even though they both decided to do that, they both fell asleep thinking of each other.

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