Part 11

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She felt like laughing because this whole situation was ridiculous. She didn't owe him any explanations and he had no right to question her. He had no right to question her in a way that made her feel guilty. And she didn't have to feel guilty. She hoped she wasn't making a scene by walking away. She thought she'd tell them she had an emergency or had to do something had anyone asked her why she disappeared. She was out of her mind...why was she running away? At the moment, she couldn't think of anything and she did the first thing that came to her mind; run. All she knew was she needed to get away from him because she couldn't bear to see him accuse her of doing something wrong. He didn't verbally accuse her but she could see it in his eyes, he was infuriated. He was infuriated and his eyes displayed that quite clearly that it made her want to run from him, without giving it a seconds thought.

As she was about to reach her room, she felt a hand tugging on her, turning her around and pushing her against the wall. She didn't have to look at him to know who it was, she could smell him, and he smelled oh so good.

Before she could scream at him to let her go, he covered her mouth with his hand and his force on her was so firm, she couldn't break free.

"Shh...," he said, staring intently into her eyes. "Stop trying to struggle, I won't let you go. The more you struggle, the harder it will be for you to get away."

She didn't listen to him, she kept on trying to breakaway because 1) they were right outside where anyone could've seen them, 2) his face was so close to hers, she could feel his breath on her, 3) his glare was so intense, she was finding it hard to breathe and she needed to run away again.

But when she realized she was only hurting herself, she stopped and tried turning her face away from his because she couldn't look at him anymore. He was making it hard for her to breathe and she was almost, almost weak in the knees and she didn't want him to see how much he affected her, because he did. He affected her.

"Look at me." She didn't want to so she didn't. "Look at me please," he pleaded. He sounded so soft that she couldn't help but look at him and the eyes that were once filled with rage and infuriation was now replaced with admiration and desire and yet just as intense.

She was so drawn to his eyes and the way they were looking at hers that she hadn't realized he had let go off her. He had released the firm grip he had on her and now only had his left hand holding her forearm.

"I'm sorry for holding you so firmly, I didn't mean it." She couldn't reply, because she was still staring at his eyes and she thought she could stare at it forever. She liked the way he was looking at her. While earlier it freaked her out and made her want to run now it gave her a sense of calmness and she didn't want to run. Nevertheless, her heart was still beating fast, because he was breathing down her face and she could feel every breath he took.

She was lost in his eyes and he could see it and it made him smile. She had stopped struggling and he took the opportunity to compose himself and think of what he was doing or about to do. He had no plans, no strategies, nothing. All he knew was he wanted her and he didn't know what to do. All he knew was this woman has been driving him crazy the past few days and he couldn't let her go on a date with someone else knowing what he felt for her. He was not going to be a coward and let her go and he was not going to give her the chance to meet other guys.

Right at that moment he wanted to kiss her and he thought if that was a good idea. It would be easy and she would know how he felt. But no. He couldn't do that. Not with her. He needed to let words come out of his mouth; he needed to do this the right way.

He could feel her heart beating fast, the fastest he's ever felt a heart beat ever.

"Divyanka." She came out of her transfixed zone and snapped immediately at the sound of her name coming out of his mouth. He took her left hand slowly and placed it above her heart. She looked at him holding her hand above her heart then looked at his face confused. He went closer to her and pushed himself a bit against her, if that was even possible.

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