• Chapter Three •

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When [Your name] awoke, it was still rather dark outside with only subtle hints of sunlight beyond the horizon. She rose, the wooden floor creaked beneath her feet.

She checked herself, her dress was tarnished. She couldn't show herself in such state, orbs searched the room for her trunk resulting in disappointment. She'd been so exhausted, she'd forgotten to bring it.

She scanned outside the room, the only source of light was a candle. The flame moved with what little breeze was in the house, wax slowly moving into the small bowl it was placed inside of, forming a pool of the cooling material.

She continued onwards, nearing the entrance of the house. She scanned the room, her eyes catching sight of her trunk. She reached towards the handle and turned meeting the face of the man. His features were once again, indistinguishable.

Startled by the sudden appearance of the man, she released the trunk, letting it fall onto the ground causing a thunderous sound. She quickly regained her composure. She looked down to the floor.

"I apologize for waking you"

"It's quite alright, I'd been awake for quite awhile"

Despite only having the dim light of the candle, it was easily noticed that he wore a smile. It was also noticed he seemed to have bags underneath his eyes, it was obvious he had slept in some time.

"Oh, right! My name's Alexander Hamilton"

Hamilton? It sounded rather familiar but, from where?

"It's a pleasure properly meeting you, Hamilton. I'm [Full name], I'd like to thank you for letting me stay in your residences"

She bobbed a curtsy to him, a rather awkward smile gracing her features. She was rather embarrassed to be in front of a man with such improper attire, what would her mother say? She'd most definitely not be pleased.

"It's no problem, I'll leave you to continue what you're doing"

With that, he went off into another dimly lit room. It had another desk stacked with papers, had he been writing all night?

She walked to the room and shut the door quietly. She proceeded to undress, looking through the dresses she'd taken, she finally chose a lovely blue dress with a contrasting crimson opening.

After waiting an eternity, she looked through the window seeing the sunrise and people flooding the streets. She walked once again towards the living area finding Hamilton readying himself.

His seemingly dark brown hair was tied back, he wore a tawny coat. He had dull chocolate eyes, that seemed to scan the room rather quickly, giving the hint he'd been rushing.

Without a word, he was off into the crowded streets. It was silent, the only noise heard was the creaking sound of the wood beneath her feet. She studied the living area, curiosity controlling her. She checked every nook and cranny but, the room Hamilton had entered.

She made her way towards the door to her surprise wasn't locked. She entered the room seeing stacks of paper littered on the furniture, she approached a wooden desk similar to the one in the bedroom.

"General Washington"

[Your name] read out loud finishing the letter in her head, it was littered with exquisite details. He wanted to join the revolution against Britain. It finally added up, he was one of the young men from the tavern. He had quite the hand for writing.

She made sure no paper was out of place and exited the room quietly, shutting the door. She kept thinking of Hamilton's writing, the observations, the details and the wording.


It had been awhile since she'd gotten acquainted with Hamilton, it was a repeated schedule. Hamilton would ready himself, talk for a while then leave. She'd have the occasional walk enjoying the weather but, it'd never last.

[Your name] walked outside, looking towards the buildings surrounding the house. She noticed a crowd in the distance, being rather curious she investigated. She found a man standing upon a pedestal, he was reading off a pamphlet about those rebelling.

Upon further studying, Hamilton was seen approaching the red-headed man, obviously annoyed by the man's speech. He began debating, constantly interrupting the puzzled man delivering the speech.

The contention was stopped by two men clothed in scarlet coats. They were the British soldiers, carrying a message from the King.

They departed after saying what they were sent to say, people from the crowd disbanded leaving Hamilton and his friends, praising his actions. They did seem rather occupied so, [Your name] continued on her stroll.

Upon returning to Hamilton's residence, she found he'd still been out which was never surprising. He'd come in the evening and work in his study. Presumably, writing of the revolution. He'd occasionally strike a conversation then leave to resume his writing. He was non-stop.

[Your Name] had become rather close to Alexander, no longer keeping formalities as he insisted. She'd gotten acquainted with his friends she'd now know as; John Laurens, Hercules Mulligan, Marquis de Lafayette or Lafayette as he insisted, and Aaron Burr. They all had completely different personalities but, were all still very entertaining.

She awoke to the sound of rummaging, she searched for Alexander finding him packing. She was puzzled, the sun hadn't even risen.

"Alexander? Why are you packing at ungodly hours?"

He seemed startled but, regained his composure quickly. He childishly grinned.

"The general wrote me back, I'm going to fight in the revolution! Can't you believe this?"

"I see... When are you to leave?"

"As soon as the sun rises."

He was thrilled, he went on continuously about how he'd finally make a name for himself. He was delusional, he'd die in the war. The British had thousands of men, they wouldn't last. She felt for Alexander, she cared for him, she owed her life to him. She couldn't let him run off and possibly be killed.


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