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(Hey guys this is my first fanfic so I hope you like it, vote and comment please :)


Today was the worst day of my life, or so I'm guessing. I've heard the lecture before about how other people have it worse and you shouldn't beg for pity. Truth is I don't want nor need your pity, so just go ahead and shut your mouth before I have to shut it for you. Second of all sure I know people have it worse but at this moment in my life, I'm at my worst so please spare the bitching for your blog.

Let's get my boring life story out of the way shall we? My name is Shannon and I'm a junior in high school, and I guess now I'm not even in school. I was expelled after an incident that had gone down a few hours ago. At the moment I am in my moms car waiting for her to return from a meeting with my principal. For the past twenty minutes I've been plotting ways to get around this bullshit and move, well I may as well tell you the story for how I got here.

I was walking to my lonely lunch table with my chicken noodle soup and grilled cheese sandwich when this girl, Julia tripped me. I toppled to the ground as the whole lunch room went silent and watched, no one came to help. My soup splattered all over my arms, neck, and face leaving burn marks where they landed. At that point after I had finished screaming, I walked over to the girl who had tripped me, grabbed her hair and forced her to the ground. Now I had everyone's attention, I blocked out the voices screaming "fight, fight." because that wasn't my plan. She screamed, and squirmed trying to get away, but nothing could get her away from my death grip. I didnt cause any physical harm, like she had when the soup burnt my face, but I made sure she'd remember what she did. I left her on the ground and ran in a dash for the nearest exit, hoping to avoid getting caught. I'd made it about ten feet from the school when a police car pulled in front of me.

Basically after that the police came and brought me back into the school and I sat in the office waiting for my mom to get there. Any other time I had been sent to the office, I'd be shaking in fear. Not this time, this time I knew what my consequence was going to be and I couldn't wait. I'd been asking my mom to transfer me to a different school for a year now, finally my wish would come true.

I snap from my trance of remembrance to see my mother strutting up to the car, a deep scowl pressed on her face.

"Expulsion!?" she screams as the drivers side door is yanked open. "Is this for real right now?"

I stare out the forward window at the full parking lot, trying my best to avoid my mothers piecing gaze. When she doesn't get the answer she expected she ignites the cars engine, pulling out of the lot.

"You know Shannon I don't have many options left. You're going to have to move to California, to the school we talked about." I turned quick at her statement, as she kept her eyes glued to the rode. I knew I could argue with my new school, neither of us had a choice.

The school she was talking about was WNBS, also known as West Norman Boarding School. This was no ordinary high school, only student who have committed crimes could attend. WNBS was the only school that would accept me, therefore I had to go.

There was no talk exchanged between us, right when we got home I had to pack my bags and load the car. There was no going back, this was my new destination and I couldn't change a thing. I shoved enough clothes to last me a week into the suitcase, I figured I would buy the rest at local shops. Right away I was driven to the airport and loaded on a plane, my mother took her seat next to me as she slowly drifted off to sleep as I stared out the window. Music blasting through my ears, as the plane floated through the air.

Once we'd arrived pulling into the small parking lot in front of the school, she took me to enroll to my classes. The school seemed more like a prison than a education building in my opinion. Dark stains cover the dull gray building, what a great place to learn.

As me and my mother walk into the lobby the smell of pot fills my nose, I look to my mom to see if she noticed and to the looks of it she hasn't. I know for sure if she could smell it she would be out of here in the blink of an eye.

"Well this place seems just delightful!" I sarcastically remark, she shoots me a glare causing me to snap my mouth shut.

"Hello ma'am how may I help you?" the smart looking woman with way to much makeup on and bleach blonde hair asks from behind the front desk.

I already hate it here, especially if it's filled with loony bins.

"Hi, I'm Sandy Rose and this is my daughter Shannon" my mother states far to proudly. "I would like to register
my daughter here at WNBS, we moved from Georgia and already filled out the health forms. All we need is to be shown to the room and a school map and schedule."

After a very long and agonizingly boring conversation on behavior and if I'm caught doing anything against the rules there will be consequences. Also a bunch of other nonsense that I really do not care about at all. They even had the nerve to tell me not to kill anyone hinting at the rumors for my old school. Now I really hate it here, at least the woman had a sense of humor, it'd come in handy in a sick place like this.

(Please tell me how you liked it! I tried really hard on this and hope you like it ily)

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