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I stumble into the dorm completely exhausted, I threw up everything I had eaten today I'm sure of it. I know because I had that choking feeling in my gut when I had nothing left, only small amounts of acid would come up. Leaving a burn up my throat and a nasty taste in my mouth. I shouldn't have even acknowledged Harrys' presence at the booth. I should have sat there silent and stared forward, not letting him get to me. But that's not what happened, I let him get to me and that's exactly what he wanted.

He won, this time.

How could I be such an idiot, I knew better. I pull off my jeans tossing them into the laundry basket along with my panties. I reach into my dresser drawer and pull out a new pair of black boy-shorts. I pull the sweater off and grab an old gray t-shirt. I throw myself onto the bed and let out a long sigh.

I sit still shaking in my soft cozy bed, yet nothing about me is cozy or at least at the moment. Anyone that has seen me around the halls would think I was an average teenage girl. If only they had gotten close and seen the hurt from inside. I haven't slept for a full twenty four hours or a least last I checked, sitting alone rocking back and forth in the cold room. I try to shut my eyes and just breathe, but every time I try my eyelids shake and flutter before closing. Only to shoot open with the slightest sound. As for breathing... it hasn't been steady since I looked into his eyes that night. Maybe just maybe it was only a joke a quick scare maybe just maybe I'm over reacting. I want to believe that trust me I really do, I'd love to.

I know better now.

I saw the way his eyes went dark, the way the beautiful green I loved faded. It faded so fast, at first I thought my eyes were playing tricks on me... but I knew. This was no joke to him, in his eyes the games had just begun. I've received texts from an unknown number, I squeeze my eyes shut at the thought. I can't let him get to me, he's getting at my biggest weakness and I won't have it. He's getting in my head, I can still hear the words replaying in my mind. Haunting my every move, my every thought.

"You're going to pay for that."

At first I thought he meant I'd have to buy him a new pack of cigarettes. That I'd simply reach into my pocket and hand him the money, getting it over with. I couldn't be farther from what he really had in mind. He wanted to get back at me, for what you ask? Putting a single cigarette to waste, sound childish doesn't it. Trying to make someone pay for such a simply act. That's the thing though isn't it, a simple act. That's all he needed. No, it couldn't be there was something deep down in Harry. Something that has slowly been boiling, waiting for the right thing to free the beast inside.

And that thing? That thing was me.

His beast had been released, yes it had but hasn't taken the first bite. Harry knew how to control it and wait for the right moment to strike. Right now I was in the waiting game. I glance at my phone sitting on my lap, I check the time 2:37 a.m. I need sleep. I lie down, using my fingers to press my eyes shut. My body feels so heavy, not from sleep. From guilt, but guilt from what?

I almost drift into a safe dream state, when my phone lights up the room. I shut my eyes praying I'm asleep, that this is all a dream. Things would be much easier if it were all a dream, wouldn't it? The problem with sleep is I seem to have a tendency to have very... interesting dreams. The phone continues to vibrate on the nightstand, I twitch as the screen comes into view. Restricted call pops up on the screen. I curse under my breath as I hold down the green button. Taking a deep breath, I raise the phone to my ear. My pulse has quickened to a rate that should kill me, hopefully. No one has spoken on the other end I decide to speak first. Weird right, I don't answer the phone with a hello. Well trust me you don't even know the half of it.

"H-hello?" my voice is shaky and unsure, if the goal was to absolutely terrify me it has been achieved.

A long huff sounds through the speaker, "Hello, Love."

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