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I wake up to the sun shining through the dorm window. My eyes flutter open, remembering the events of last night. The tears leading to a heated kiss. Harry's arm wasn't draped around me anymore. I roll onto my back and turn my head to where Harry had once been. A concerned look takes over my face as he is no where to be found. My eyes scan the room for a any sign of where he had gone. A single rose lies on my desk with a folded paper interlaced with the leaves. A smile fills my features.

I untangle myself from the blankets and walk to the desk, picking the rose up first then the note. I hadn't cared to check if the rose had thorns, however it seems Harry had thought ahead and took all of the thorns off.

I open the carefully folded note to read the inside.

'I'll be right back love, wear something nice I have a surprise, H x'

I feel my cheeks flush as I hold the note to my chest over my heart. A smirk takes over my mouth as I walk towards my dresser.


After rummaging through my clothes looking for something decent to wear, I finally decide to just go for a casual look. I pull on my dark skinny jeans and slip my black flats on. I put on a black bra with lace everywhere besides the cup and choose a maroon colored long sleeve v-neck shirt and wrap a gray frilly scarf around my neck.

Now hair and makeup, a simple natural look should do the trick. I look in the mirror and frown at my messy hair. After thoroughly brushing the knots out of my hair, I flipped my head down in front of me. Using my black hair tie I gather the loose strands and loop the elastic twice around leaving a messy bun as product. I nod in approval and head over to the bathroom.

I used natural earth tones on my eyelids and swipe my chap stick across my lips smacking them together. Finishing my makeup with two quick strokes of black mascara and heading back to sit on the bed and await Harry's arrival. I hold the rose admiring its perfect bloom, he couldn't have picked a better flower.


After around five minutes of twiddling my thumbs in my lap, and guessing to myself at what this surprise could possible be Harry opens the door. A small gasp falls from my mouth as I take in his appearance. 

He's wearing his famous tight black skinny jeans with a almost transparent white shirt covering his torso. The shirt shows off his tattoos perfectly showing every line. My eyes look down to his feet, he's wearing those old, rubbed up brown boots a smirk creeps on my face looking at him. I've grown quite fond of those little boots. I look up and he seems to be checking me out as well, we both meet each others gaze at the same time.

A light chuckle escapes his lips, letting me know he notices my eyes glancing up and down his flawless body. I shyly look away, embarrassed a little from being caught in the act. 

"You look beautiful, Love." He smiles his eyes taking in my appearance and widening as they go.

I stand up and move toward him, in need of his touch on my skin. Once I am within his reach his hand grips mine. He moves the back of my hand up to his mouth, planting a light kiss on my already tingling skin.He pulls me into his chest giving me a soft hug. I sigh at the full contact of our bodies.

"Where are we going?" I ask him as he intertwines his long finger with my small hand. Guiding me out the door and down the hallway.

"To the beach." He states looking down at my confused face.

What? I don't even have a bathing suit with me.

"Don't worry about having swimwear, you won't need it." He winks at me and looks forward to push the dorm open for me, leading outside. "As much as I would love to see you in a bikini." My cheeks flush a bright red and I look up at him, a cheeky smile covers his face. How I have missed the happy feature.

I lift up onto my tip toes and steal a kiss, planting my lips to his soft and adorably dimpled cheek. The corners of his mouth pull into a smile at my small display of affection. I wondered if he was used to it, taking in his breath taking appearance I wouldn't doubt that girls were always all over him. I barely knew him and I was already consumed by his every move.

We strolled out into the hallway lined with dorms, we quietly walked down my hand still intertwined with Harry's. As we neared the exit to the building he turned to me mouthing to be quiet. I watched as he slowly pushed open the door examining the surroundings. Once the coast was clear he pulled me along behind him. I figured we are going to walk to the beach, as Harry leads me away from the parking lot and onto the cracked sidewalk.

(Sorry for the short chapter, and technical difficulties but I re-uploaded the chapter so that it's complete. I finally reached 1000 followers on Instagram, and I am so grateful! Continue to vote and comment <3 )

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