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Follow my Instagram for creepy edit and pictures of Harreh: harrysstyles19

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(Im so sorry for not updating, I've been editing and I'm positive I've re-written this chapter 10 times. I just couldn't find a good way to put it. I'm really sorry about all the confusion with this book haha confusing is one of Harrys traits he changes moods a lot.)

I dropped into the damp grass, laying as flat as possible hiding my body from sight. Thank god this sick, disgusting school couldn't give a shit about the well keeping of their fields. The grass was so long, I could hide with ease. Tears burn at my eyes, begging to spill but I don't let them. How is this happening right now? I'm hiding from an ex, how sad. I am positive this isn't normally how things go after a break up. I force my eyes shut squeezing tight, praying I'm not to be found. I lie pressed into the ground for a good amount of time, I need to get a peak at the door to check if he has left. My breathing intensifies as I raise my eyes to the tip of the grass blades looking towards the spot where Harry once stood. He was gone, I twisted my vision from side to side looking for any sign. He had to be somewhere near, after all he was just standing in the entrance in search of me. If I made a run for the door he'd surely be close by and grab me.

I slowly rise from my position on the wet grass, taking nervous glances at my surroundings. I begin the treacherous walk back to the entrance of the school. I decided to walk because running would be a hell of a lot more obvious as to showing who I was. I make it to the entrance that only minutes ago I was running out of. At this point I don't even care, I reached the door much faster than I had thought I would. Everything seems to be going in fast forward, including my mind. I shut my eyes and using all the strength I have left to pull the door open. Keeping my eyes shut I push my body in, sucking in a sharp breath as a cold breeze strikes my face. My mind is spinning so fast and I feel my head begin to sway. I exhale and force my eyes open, I freeze in shock. I'm already at my dorm, this makes no sense. I only walked through the door, why am I already down the hallway.

I spin around to look back down the hall, to find it empty. I must really be out of it if I'm not even realizing when I move. I yank my keys from my pocket, finding the lock I shove the keys in and slowly turn until I here the click. The door creeks open as I stumble in, landing on the bed face down then scramble to sit up. I watch as the door slowly move to close, my mind is spinning as I watch it. Then a familiar brown boot shoots between the door and wall. I don't get the usual anxiety and scare as I would before, I don't need to put up with this any longer. If he won't leave me alone, then I'll have to leave myself. A long sigh falls from me numb lips as the tall curly haired figure enters. I cross my legs and rest my elbow on my knee, then lean my forehead on my small palm. I plan on staring at the floor the whole time he's around me. A deep scowl pressed over my features soon dissolves into a blank stare, he's not getting any emotion out of me.

I hear his heavy footsteps shuffle across the carpet, towards my spot on the bed. I watch as his feet and shins come into my view of the carpeted floor. I cringe when I see the dark brown mud stains leading in behind him in the careful shape of his boot. A large hand is placed just in front of my knee on the bed as he eases himself down to squat in front of me. I blink and look up to meet his careful gaze, I stare at him curiously yet with no visible emotion. When no words exit his mouth I look back down, he reaches one arm up from resting on his thigh to tilt my chin up to meet his gaze again. I squeeze my eyes shut and pull away, turning my face to my lap. I know what he's doing, and I assure myself quick in my mind that this time he won't win.

"Shannon," Harry's raspy deep voice sounds through my peaceful quiet. "Talk to me." I hadn't planned on talking while he's here although I did have one thing to say.

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