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When you pick one can of pineapples and the rest falls


 You walk around in the grocery store with Saeyoung pushing the cart behind you. You turn around and smile,“What do you want to eat later?” You walk to him and give him a hug from behind as you both look into your cart. Five bags of Honey Buddha chips, bacon, meat, fish, a box of vitamin water, a pack of sodas(Dr.Pepper) and cereal. He scrunches his face as he notices that half of the things in the cart aren’t healthy for the two of you.

 “How about a fruit salad?”

 “Sounds good,” You say happily. Saeyoung helps you get most of the fruits, you’re waiting in the cart when you turn and see a shelf of pineapples in cans beside you. “How about pineapples?”

 “Mmm,” He mumbles incoherently as he puts all the fruits he got into the cart. The cans are a stacked up in a higher shelf so you tip-toe and grab the closest can you could get your hands on, but rather than getting it, it falls to the ground and before you know it, more cans fall to the ground.

 “Omo!” You say as you watch the rest fall. You look around you to see if anyone saw you, only to see Saeyoung looking back at you with crossed arms and a half smile, shaking his head.

 “Aigoo,” He walks up to you and looks at the mess you made, laughing. “Why is my baby so clumsy at the simplest things?” He pulls you close to him and cups your face, rubbing your cheeks together before helping you pick the cans one by one and stacking them back on the shelf again.


 “Buy me this,” You’re in a grocery store with Yoosung, casually walking when he suddenly shows you a box of cereal. You shake your head and ask him to return it.

 “But we already have one more box at home!” You push him away lightly. “You just want the toy, do you?”

 He looks at you with a beaten expression. “But they have it in the color that I wanted…”

 You laugh at him and push your cart away from him, ignoring him completely. “Oppa, we already bought one last time and we still haven’t even started eating it yet. When we do, we’ll buy another one, okay?”

 You look around as he returns the cereal to where he got it from.You walk around, thinking of other food to buy when you stop at a pile of pineapples in cans. It has a buy one take one tag which tempted you so badly so you went to get one can when suddenly, the pile wobbles and the cans just fall one by one. You look at it as the rest falls, rolling on the floor and causing a big mess.

 “What happened?” You hear Yoosung walking to you and looking at the floor with an amused expression. He stops and looks around, checking if anyone saw.

 “I just got one can and suddenly this happened…” You look at him and turn to pick the cans up but he grabs your hand and prevents you from doing so.

 “Leave it.” He tells you and then pushes the cart with his other hand as he drags you away from the scene. He calmly walks around as if nothing happened with you silently trailing behind; still thinking of the mess you caused back there. When you’re three aisles away from it, he turns to you with a sigh and chuckles. “Ya~ why did you make a mess?”


“Oh that looks delicious, don’t you think?” You’re busy checking your grocery list when you hear Jumin’s excited voice. You look at him and trail where he’s looking at and smile.

 “That does look delicious.” It was a shelf of pineapples in cans. It’s been a while since you’ve eaten pineapples and the thought of it just makes your mouth water. “Wait, I’ll go get some.”

 He follows you behind, pushing the cart closely to you. You grab a can of pineapples when suddenly to your surprise, the rest falls, you try to catch some of them but they were too many. You let most of them drop to the floor and roll around the place. You hear Jumin laughing at you but instead of being slightly annoyed at him, you can’t help but not smile as he shows you that lovely eye smile of his.

 He walks to you and pulls you close to him. “Are you okay? Stand aside, oppa will pick them up.” He pinches your cheeks lightly before crouching down and picking the cans up, still kind of laughing quietly to himself as he puts them back to the shelf.


 You’re both in the grocery store; you give him his share of things to buy as you do yours. You thought that maybe people might suspect if they see both of you together so you told him you’ll just shop separately but you unexpectedly meet at one aisle where he’s supposed to buy bread and you, a few cans of pineapples.

 You give him a smile as you walk past him. Zen playfully winks back at you and whispers. “Hi, there beautiful.” You ignore him but you can’t help but smile at what he said. You turn to shelf with the can of pineapples and grab a handful without paying attention to the pile of cans on the shelf, so you accidentally knock most of the cans off and they began falling to the floor with a loud sound.

 “Omo!” He jumps at the sound of the cans falling to the ground and looks at it rolling around the place. He looks at you and points at it. “That scared oppa! Did you do that?” You nod as you bend down and silently pick them one by one. He laughs at this and scratches the back of his head. “Aigoo, what are you?”

 You slap his leg from below and look up at him with a helpless expression. “Just help me with this, oppa!”


 “Make me a fruit salad.” He tells you as you pass by a pile of pineapples in cans. “I want lots of pineapples in it too.”

 You turn to him and smile. “Really? Was the salad I made last time good?”

 “Mmm,” He nods his head and smiles, giving you a thumbs up. “You make the best fruit salads in the world!”

 You slap his arm playfully and go walk to the pile of pineapples in cans; you look at him and get a few cans. “Oppa—” but you get interrupted by the sound of cans falling to the ground. You look at him and at the rolling cans on the floor. “Omo, what should I do?”

 He looks back at you, expressionless and points to the floor. “Ya! Hurry and pick them up.” You make a face at him and start bending down. You notice that the cans still won’t stop falling. “You missed one… behind you and over there.” You hear him say, you look up and you see his eyes looking at your pants, smirking to himself as he drops a few cans.

 “Ya~” You walk to him and push him away. “Don’t do it on purpose!”

 He laughs but you cross your arms and push him over to where the cans are. “What are you doing— Hey!”

 You push the cart away and move out of the aisle as you turn back at him and put your tongue out. “ You pick up the cans, pervert.” As you stroll away, laughing to yourself as you see him actually picking them up and stacking them back into the pile himself.

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