Me Or Her (Part 2)

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Me or Her


“Oh my God!”, you suddenly waken up at midnight from your sleep with body full of sweat.

“Damn. That nightmare again.”

This is the second times you have the same nightmare since that day. The day you went to GD office and find out a girl named Kyungju. It’s already 3 days passed and still you haven’t meet or communicate with Zen. He doesn’t reply your text.

You decided to turn on the TV to forget your nightmare. You can see Zen clearly in your dream, but Zen doesn’t look at you at all. He turns his back to you, kissing another girl and she is Kyungju.

It’s a Korean variety show you’re tuning but it seems like the TV doesn’t help you either.

Oppa, I’m sorry. I know I should trust you and I do, But, what if I can’t trust the fate? The fate that shows me that there is someone who is better than me, that can spend more time beside you?

Your lips are shaking and the tears keep flowing down. You hug your pillow and let your tears falling down as you are falling asleep.

Morning, 8AM

You are still sleeping when you hear your phone beeping. You are trying to read the text, half-asleep.

✉ Jagiya, I’ll be in your apartment in 10 minutes ^0^ ✉

You suddenly fully awake after knowing you will be meeting Zen. You get up and freshen up as fast as possible. Then you suddenly realize how swollen your eyes after crying so much yesterday.

“Ahhh! What happens to my eyes!”

Before you can do anything, you can hear someone entering your apartment. You don’t have another option than to walk out and hope Zen wouldn’t ask about it.

You go out to the living room and find Zen smiling at you widely. You run to him and he hugs you tightly.

“Oppa, why don’t you tell me earlier so I can cook for you!”

“Eating means shorten my times to hug you, babe”

He loosens his hug so he can see your face. You quickly turn your body around, make sure he will not see your eyes, and pretend to pull him to the bedroom. You push him to the bed, lying on him and started to unbutton his shirt. But Zen seems to notice something is going wrong. He stops your hand, grab you chin and look straightly on your face.

“_______-ya. Have you cried? Look at your eyes.”

He looks at you deeply, sadly. You feel his concern.

“No, oppa. Nothing serious.” Forcing your lips to make a smile

“Yaa! I can tell that you’re lying now. Tell me why you cried.”

Zen sits up on the bed and pulls you closer to him, grabbing your waist.

“Don’t make me worry, please.”

“I just… miss you so much, Oppa.” You decided to tell half of the truth. 

Then Zen moves his face towards yours and kiss you deeply, passionately for minutes. He embraces you and caress your hair.

“I miss you, too! I promise to maximize the time I have to meet you. So, I don’t want to see your sad face again, okay?”

You just nodded, trying to clear all your worry thoughts. Zen doesn’t ask you more and you don’t know whether it’s a relieved or “a more worried” sign as he doesn’t pay too much attention to you.

“Now, get dressed up. All R.F.A members are going to wait for us in the restaurant. I come here to pick you.”

“Right now? Is there anything important today?”

“No, it’s just a leisure time and they tell me it’s okay to bring you there. Let’s go! Change your clothes now or… you want me to help you changing?” He looks at you with playful expression.

“Aishhh, Oppaa!!” you throw a pillow to his face and can’t help but laughing.

Two hours later, you arrived at the restaurant and go into the private room with Zen. The rest members are already there.

“Annyeong!” you say to them and they greet you back warmly.

But just moments after you arrived, someone is entering the room and you are sure it’s Kyungju.

“Hello everybody! I’m not late right?” she says cheerfully.

“Sorry, are you invited??”

“Ahhh, oppa! You tell me to come here this morning!!” Kyungju replied.

“Hahahaha, just kidding, Kyungju-yaa.”

You are totally lost your mood. Never expect to meet her here. It means, you can’t “act” as Zen’s girlfriend right now.

“Enough, enough. Let’s take a seat and eat!” Seven says.

So, you sit beside Zen and Kyungju is in front of both of you. You feel the time goes by so slow. You are so sick looking at how Zen and Zen throwing jokes to each others and laughing so loud. Kyungju is picking foods for Zen. Something that must be your job, not her. You are totally an outsider here. You just speak when someone ask you. Finally, this hell-like-brunch is over and you wish you can spend more time alone with Zen after this.

“_______-ya. I have to go back to the practice with others, the boss is calling. I’ll send you out to take a taxi.”

Nice. What the hell is this.

You can’t do anything and go out with Zen.

“I’m really sorry, Jagiya but I can’t make to obvious about our relationship in front of Kyungju.” Zen says before you get in to the taxi.

“It’s okay. Take care, oppa!” You really hate this. Lying to him, pretending you’re okay.

As soon as you arrived at your apartment, you find out that Zen left his practice/concert list in your house.

“It must be important. Shoud I take this to him?”

After hesitating, you decided to deliver it to him. You drive your car to GD office. After arriving at the car park, you grab you phone to call Zen when you suddenly see Zen’s car(Of course he also have car), parked meters away from your place. Then at that time, your heart is totally shattered into pieces. You see your nightmare is happening right in front of you now. Same condition, same girl.


OMG What have i done?!?!?!

Please vote okay 😊

Stay tuned for Part 3

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