Sick (Saeran X Reader)

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When you're sick

Saeran X Reader

It’s 6PM, and your dance class has just ended for the evening. You collapsed on the floor and began to change your shoes. It was an exhausting day: you didn’t get much sleep last night, and barely had any lunch since the café you work at was so busy this afternoon. You came straight to class after your shift ended. You were feeling a bit lightheaded, but you just assumed it was because you just danced for an hour straight.

You grabbed your bag and headed for the door. Saeran was going to pick you up today. You felt yourself start to zone out as you became more dizzy. Your cheeks were feeling warm too.  You’re just tired,  you thought to yourself.

You walked outside, and saw Saeran leaning against his car. He straightened up when he saw you come out. You hurried over to him, but your legs felt heavy and you felt yourself stumbling. You then realized your vision was getting a bit blurry.

“Hey, Jagi,” he said with a smile.


Suddenly, a worried look crossed his face. He leaned down to get a closer look at your face.

“You don’t look too good,” he said, “Are you feeling okay?”

“Um… I think so…” you responded, “I think I’m just tired.”

“______, you’re burning up!” he said, placing a hand on your forehead, “We’d better get you home quickly.” The two of you got in the car and drove back to your place.

“Can you walk?” Saeran asked as you started to get out of the car.

“I think,” you said, stepping out of the car. Your legs still felt a bit heavy. You went a few steps, then nearly tripped over the curb. Saeran rushed to your side and held your shoulder.

“I think I’d better help you,” he said, picking you up princess-style.

He walked you into the living room and set you down on the couch. He quickly got you a glass of water.

“Feeling better?”

“A little bit.”

“Don’t ever scare me like that again,” he said, taking your face in both hands. “You could’ve  died!”

You laughed. “Saeran oppa, it’s only a little fever. I’m not going to die.”

“That’s right,” he said with a smile, “Not as long as I’m around!”

Aish, this guy…

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