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Hey guys! Thanks for checking this story out and I really hope you enjoy it. There are a few things I need to get across so please bear with me.

1. If you heard about this story from my other Lams fic, great. Thanks for coming for another story! If not and you're wondering if I have more fics written, I do. This is my second Lams fic.

2. I'm not going to give you trigger warnings each chapter. This whole story is a trigger warning. It deals with suicide, death, cutting, abuse, depression and so on. Be forewarned.

3. If you have feedback on something in the story, comment. Tell me how I can improve. It's appreciated.

4. If you ever want to talk, just message me. I don't judge and I'm always here to listen. Or if you just want to converse, that's chill too.

5. Thanks for checking out my story and I hope you enjoy!!!

Dead or Destitute (Lams)Where stories live. Discover now