Chapter 19

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Ashley's POV

Here we go Ashley. Your first interview. Why am I so nervous? I have no idea but I don't like it.

I step into the studio and see a woman a little taller than me with blonde hair standing up to greet me. She wraps her arms around me in a hug and welcomes me.

"Ashley, I'm Taylor and it's so nice to meet you." She says with a smile on her face. It looks so real and genuine but I can't tell if it really is. These interviewers have had a lot of practice faking a smile, but then again, who fakes a smile when you meet someone famous. Which makes me question how famous I must be. It's weird.

"It's really nice to meet you too." I say back to her.

"I hear you just finished tour with Emblem3 and now you are headlining your own show. So tell me. How does it feel to make that transition from opening to starring?"

"It sure is different without the three boys running around all the time. It's more quiet. And I'm still trying to figure out if it's a good or bad thing." I say with a small laugh.

"Very true. So I hear some rumors about you and one of the members of Emblem3, Drew Chadwick. Can you confirm or deny these rumors?"

"Drew and I are dating." I knew these questions were going to be asked.

"Well you're a very lucky girl. And have you heard the ship names of you two?" She asks me. Ship names? What are those? Like our names put together?

"We have ship names?"

"Haha, yes you do. Fans have been hash tagging Dreshley since that kiss you two shared on stage." I blush at the memory. It was right after I sang Teardrops on my guitar.

"Wow. This is going to take some getting used to."

"The ship names?" She questions me and I shake my head no.

"The fame." I answer her.

"So where did you grow up? It seems as if you just appeared out of thin air. Where are you from? How did you meet Drew? Tell us something about your past?" She questions me and I take a deep breath in. There are some things in my past nobody but my three boys will ever know.

"I grew up here in New York actually." I tell her only answering part of her question.

"And then you moved all the way to California in the west coast?"


"What made you make that change?"

"I was 18 and wanted to get away from everything. You know, experience something new." I tell her and she nods in understanding.

"And that's where you met Drew Chadwick?"

"Yeah. Our first encounter was him actually running into me and spilling my smoothie all over my shirt." She laughs and I smile along with her.

"Love at first sight I guess?" She questions and just laugh at her.

"Not exactly haha. It took awhile for him to convince me to go on a date with him." I confess.

"Well I wish you all the best from now on." She tells me and I smile and thank her. "So I hear you have a new song you just wrote that you're going to play for us today." Again I nod my head. I really hope Drew didn't forger and that he's out there listening to this.

"I do. It's called Today was a fairytale. It's a little different than the music I usually write. It's more of a love song than an inspirational message one but I wanted to mix it up a little bit. It will be on my Cd which will be out hopefully in the next few months."

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