Chapter. 3 Oh, my

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Ana's pov:

As we walk into the club, we are greeted by Jose. My other best friend, either than Kate. "Hey, Ana, Kate. Glad you guys could make it." Jose says, while hugging the both of us. "Yeah well, I didn't have a choice." I say, looking at Kate. "I know what you mean," Jose mutters, following my eyes to where Kate is standing. "Smh, hello. I'm right here." Kate says waving her hand at us while pouting.

Me and Jose burst out laughing. "And just to let you guys know, I didn't force you guys to come. You guys came on your own account." Kate says, while pointing at us accusingly. I roll my eyes. Yeah, sure. "Okay, yes fine. I wanted to hang out tonight because I didn't have to work, and I was bored. Plus, tonight is a night for celebrating because we finished our final exams."

"Yess!!" Kate buds in, so as Jose. "Well, boys and girls. Shall we get this show on the road?" I smile. "Yes we shall." "Dios, mios, ci. Let's party!" Jose says. "Yea" we all cheer and head to our table. While we're ordering our drinks, to stall time we talk about our future and what we want to do. A few minutes have past by, and finally the waiter brings us our drinks.

Kate ordered a martini, Jose ordered a scotch on rocks, and I ordered a cosmopolitan. As I take a few sips of my cosmopolitan I sit back and listen to Kate and Jose argue about I don't know what. All I do is laugh and shake my head at them. Oh, Kate and Jose. What am I going to do with you guys. As I'm sitting there, I feel this strange odd, exhilarating shiver run through me. Huh? I shake off the weird feeling and get up to go to the bathroom, leaving Kate and Jose to their argument.

As I'm walking through the crowd, I feel that same odd current that I felt before. But this time, it's more stronger. Woah. I shiver and wrap my arms around myself, walking faster to the bathroom. Once inside, I hurry up go inside the stall and let out a huge breath. What was that all about? Why am I feeling like this all of a sudden? I dont know, maybe the 3 cosmopolitans I had are starting to kick in.

I sit on the toilet and release my bladder. I sigh, as I relax, no longer feeling any shivers. I flush the toilet, and tidy up. Walking out the stall, I head towards the sink and wash my hands and face. I look at myself in the mirror, making sure everything looks good before heading back to the table. Heading out of the bathroom, I stop dead in my tracks. That same feeling that I felt twice before hits me again, but way much more stronger than I imagine.

I gasp. Oh, my. There it is again. What is it? Why am I feeling this? I start back walking through the crowd, looking around. When my eyes land on a pair of gray eyes that are staring back at me. Oh my. The gray eyes belongs to a handsome young man, tall, with brown copper hair. I can't help my eyes as they roam down his body. He's wearing a dress shirt and jeans. My, God he looks so hot. He must of notice me checking him out because he smirks at me.

Looking as if I got with my hand in the cookie jar, I bite my lip and quickly look down and start back walking. As I look back to see if I still see him, he's still staring at me. His eyes are dark and intense, and it speaks to me on a whole nother level..a dark one. I gasp as my belly clenches. Hurrying up, I look down and walk as fast as I can back to the table.

Once I arrive, I'm all out of breath. Jose and Kate look up at me. "Ana, where have you been?" Kate asks. Looking questiongly at me. "I just went to the bathroom." I say, not looking at her as I sit down and take a sip of my now fourth cosmopolitan. "Why are you all out of breath then?" I scowl at Kate. "Because I was rushing..because I really had to go. Did I say that right? "Oh, okay." Kate says. "Well, back to what I was saying." Kate goes back to talking to Jose and some of Jose's other friends. While sitting at the table listening to everybody talk. My mind can't help but wander and go back to the pair of grey eyes I had seen earlier. I wonder if he's still here.

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