Chp. 6 Let's Talk Grey

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Ana's pov:

Looking at my phone, it reads 12:00. He should be here any minute now. As on cue, I feel that odd familiar exhilarating pull. He's here. Looking up, I see him standing by the door looking around. He's looking for me. As if he felt me staring at him, his eyes meet mine, and I gasp. Oh, my.

As he's walking towards me, I check him out. His eyes, his prefect structure jaws, his walk, and his hair. Which looks wet. He must of just gotten out of the shower. Oh, how I would love to run my hands through it. Too distracted in my day dream, I don't notice that he's standing right in front of me, making me jump.

"Uh, hi" I squeak out. He chuckles slightly. "Hi. Did you hear what I just said?" Damn. Me and my daydreaming. "Um, I'm afraid not. Could you repeat that?" I smile awkwardly. So embarrassing. I think to myself. He sits down across from me. "Well, I said what were you drinking there, then when you didn't answer me I asked were you alright."

"Oh. Yes of course I'm all right, and I was drinking an English Breakfast tea." He nods. "Good. An English Breakfast tea you say?" He asks. "Yep." I smile. "You should try it. Might like it." He shakes his head. "Maybe. I mainly drink coffee." I nod my head "I drink coffee sometimes, but I prefer my tea." He nods. "I understand."

It's now or never. "So. About last night." I say nervously. "Yeah, about that." He readjusts himself in his chair. "Yeah, you said you'll tell me everything I needed to know that happened. So what I would like to know is if we-" before I could finish Christian cuts me off. "No we didn't. I only took you home and that was it." He says.

"Really, that's it?" I raise my eyebrow at him. "Well, other than that, I changed you out of your clothes because they had throw up on them, and I promise I didn't sneak a peek or anything. I only left you in your shirt and panties." "Ok." I nod my head. "Also, I had took your dirty clothes to get cleaned, which I forgot to bring with me, and I brought you new clothes to wear, which your wearing now." He rambles on. He's nervous.

I laugh. "Christian, it's ok. Calm down." He looks embarrassed. "Uh, sorry." He laughs awkwardly. "It's ok. I brought you here not only to tell me what happened last night, but also because I want to get to know you." I tell him sincerely. He looks shocked. "Really?" He asks. "Really." I smile. "Okay." He smiles back. Oh, that smile.

We finally reaxed and was comfortable with each other and talked and talked for hours. He's so easy to talk to. It's like I can tell him anything. We talked about everything, but once I started to talk about our childhood he didn't want to talk about it, and after that he started acting weird, which was odd, but I dropped it anyway and changed the topic, and he finally started to relax again.

Time passes and before we know it, it's 5 in the afternoon. Whoa what. We've been talking for 5 hours straight?. Saying our goodbyes to each other we go our separate ways. Wow, I've finally found a guy that I'm compatible with, a guy I can tell anything to and he won't judge, a guy I feel safe with, and to think I've only just met him last night. Wow..

Finishing up my English Breakfast tea, I get up, leaving a tip at my table and head home. When I arrive back to the apartment, Kate is sitting at the kitchen counter on her laptop. When she hears the door she looks up. "Hey." She smiles. "Hey." I smile while walking to sit down on the couch.

"How was your day?" She asks. "It was good. How was yours?" I ask. "Amazing. Me and Elliot went out again. He took me to dinner and then we came back here and just talked and got to known one another." Kate says smiling daydreamingly. Wow, I've never seen Kate this taken with a guy before. I'm happy for her.

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