Chp. 5 Here We Go Again

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Ana's pov:

It's very quiet. The light is muted. I am comfortable and warm, inside this bed. Hmm...I open my eyes, and for a moment I'm tranquil and serene, enjoying the strange, unfamiliar surroundings. Until I realize it's my own bedroom. How did I get here?

My befuddled brain struggles through it's recent visual memories. Holy crap. Grey... I remember him from the bar. Then more fractured memories of the previous night come back to haunt me. Him helping hold my hair when I threw up, the vomiting-Oh no, the vomiting. God that was embarrassing.

And then the drinking. Oh no, the drinking, which I'm never doing again. Grey and then Jose. Oh no. I cringe inwardly. And then him taking me home. But that's all I remember. What happened after that? Where is he? Is he still here? I glance down at myself, I'm wearing my T-shirt, bra, and panties. No socks. No jeans. Holy shit.

I glance at the bedside table. On it is a glass of orange juice and two tablets. Advil. Clearly he thinks of everything. I sit up and take the tablets. Actually, I don't feel that bad, probaly much better than I deserve. The orange juice tastes divine. It's thirst-quenching and refreshing.

Sitting the glass down, I notice a piece of paper on the side where I had my orange juice. What is this? Picking it up, I realize it's a letter. The letter reads:

          Dear, Anastasia,

      As of now your probaly awake
      and wondering what happened
      last night and if anything
      happened. Here's my number
      and you can call or text me
      any questions you have and
      I will answer every single one
      the best I can. I'm sorry I wasn't
      there when you woke up, but
      I had to work. I promise
      I'll make it up to you.

       (260)- 859- 4325

                               Christian Grey

Make it up to me how? There's a knock on the door. My heart leaps into my mouth, and I can't seem to find my voice. Who is it? It can't be Kate, can't it? Whoever it is, they open the door anyway and stroll in. I almost scream, until I realize, it's Kate. Kate? What is she doing here? She usually always come in late.

I put my hand on my heart, that is beating frantically. "Jeez, Kate. You scared the hell out of me. What are you doing here?" She sits on the end of my bed. "Well, good morning to you too." She retorts. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to sound rude or anything." Kate laughs. "It's ok. And yes I usually do come in late, but Christian had to go to work so he called Elliot to ask me if I could come home early to you because he didn't want to leave you by yourself. He didn't? "Oh."

"So, how are you feeling?" Kate asks me while getting up. "Better than I deserve." I mumble. I peek up at her. She's looking inside a large shopping bag. When did that get here? "Well that's good. By the way, Christian left you some new clothes to wear." What?  I frown "Why?" She shrugs. "I don't know. Apparently you had vomit on them." Oh god, how embarrassing.

"So that explains why I woke up with just my T-shirt and panties." I mumur. "Wow, a guy that makes sure you get home safe, and helps you out of your vomit clothes, and buys you a new outfit because of it," Kate fans herself dramatically. "He must really likes you." I blush. Damn, I hope Kate didn't see that. Just play it off, Steele.

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