29. Heartbreak Story

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I barely arrived in time for class on Monday morning. I'd gotten up at five thirty to get on the train, and still I was almost too late, and so tired I could barely think. I had to run to the room and put my suitcase away before hurrying to class.

I arrived just as the teacher was about to close the door, and fell into my usual chair beside Charlie.

"Hey," I said and grinned at him, trying not to show how nervous I was about seeing him again.

The holidays had been torture. How could he kiss me like that, and then just leave? I was so confused I couldn't tell up and down on my own feelings. I still didn't know what I felt, except that seeing him, even though he looked nervous and uncomfortable, made me happy.

I didn't see him again before I caught him stealing down to the canteen for lunch. I grabbed his shoulder and turned him around.

"Come, I have food in the room." Without looking at him - I was too nervous - I walked quickly back to the sleeping quarters, knowing that he was following close behind.

I put the boiler on and pulled out the croissants I'd bought on the train station, then finally turned to face Charlie.

"Hey," I said softly, with a smile I hoped was calming.

"Hi," he replied and stuffed his hands deep in the pocket of his slacks. His jaw was stiff and his face horribly neutral.

"I missed you," I said and handed him a croissant. He smiled nervously and took it, letting his fingers brush gently over mine, then look away as his cheeks turned a careful shade of pink.

Just as I was about to speak again, the door opened and in a whirl of brown curls I was attacked by my girlfriend, who jumped on me and locked her legs around my waist before kissing me ferociously.

"Oh, Amanda, hi," I said and sat her down. She kissed me again and I saw Charlie staring, then he left without a word.

I didn't see Charlie before I returned to our dorm after school was finished. He was walking in circles, his light hair was even more dishevelled that usual. He looked incredibly flustered and undeniably handsome. I stared despite myself.

"It's ok, Trevor, I know I fucked up, but let's just forget it ever happened, can we? I still want to be your friend, if that's possible!" He was practically manic.

"Come here," I said.


"Come here." He did so, looking confused and sad at the same time.

For a moment, I just stood in front of him, took in the sight of his tall stature, the curve of his lips and the colour of his eyes. Then I braced myself and placed my lips on his. At first he didn't respond, but then he opened his mouth into mine and kissed me back with hesitant yet eager lips.

"Really?" he asked with a shaky voice after he pulled away. His eyes were still closed.

"Definitely." I connected our lips again, carefully. His lips were wonderfully soft and gentle. My arms went around him, and hesitantly he buried one of his in my hair, smiling into the kiss as he did. I traced my tongue over his bottom lip and he opened his mouth tentatively, letting me in. I slipped my tongue inside his mouth and a little, surprised moan escaped him.

Then the door opened, and Amanda gasped as she caught sight of us.

"Trevor!" she yelled.

I sprang away from Charlie and dragged her inside before closing the door behind her.

"What's going on?!" she asked.

"We were kissing, and you interrupted," I said and cringed at myself. "Sorry, I'm so sorry!"

"How long have you been cheating on me?" she asked, looking more surprised than hurt.

"No, I haven't – this is the first time, I promise! I'm very sorry, Amanda, but –"

"I had no idea you were gay. How could I not know?"

"Because I'm not!" She chuckled.

"No, I can see that."

"Bisexual, please," I said.

"And when did you discover that?" she asked.

"I always knew," I said with a shrug.

"So why did you start dating me, when you were in love with him?!" she asked. "That's not fair, Trevor! I thought we had something!" She looked sad and disappointed, but bravely stopped her bottom lip from shaking.

"I didn't know I was in love with him! I'm sorry, I truly am, but..."

"But you'd rather be with him than me, yes, I can tell." I looked over at Charlie and smiled.

"Yeah, I would," I admitted, and he lifted his eyes from the ground in surprise. "Can you please not tell anyone, though? Just while we figure things out between us?" I asked. She sighed.

"Alright. I guess we're over, then. You weren't actually that good of a boyfriend anyway," she said and shrugged.

"I'm really sorry, Amanda, truly." She left without another word.

"You'd rather be with me?" Charlie asked.

"Of course. Charlie, would you go for a walk with me?"

"It's raining."

"I have an umbrella. Come on." We wrapped up and went outside into the drizzle.



We huddled together under the umbrella and walked away from school. I wanted to lace my arm through his, but didn't dare. After a while we stopped and stood face to face under the umbrella.

"How are you feeling, Charlie? Tell me honestly, after what happened with you father, Raymond... Are you alright?" I looked away and bit my lip.

"I'd rather like to ask how you are. I'm sorry I haven't done so before now, I was so consumed by my own problems I forgot that you took quite a beating."

"Don't think about me. I'd be perfectly fine, except I'm worrying for you," he answered honestly.

"No need for that, I'm getting there."

"I can't comprehend what a shock it must have been for you though. It must be horrible, and I haven't been very good at –"

"Stop. I said I'm getting there, I have you and you've done more than enough. Just the fact that you cared enough to show up there at all would be enough. But you've also been so kind and caring, and you've never looked at me like I'm damaged or a freak, like Raymond said you would."

I looked up at Trevor, a bit surprised at what I'd just said, and brought my arm up to brush some hair out of his face. I stopped it abruptly, and scratched my neck awkwardly.

"You're allowed to do that, you know," he said and chuckled. "I honestly don't mind." So I ran my fingers through his hair and pushed it out of his face. "On that note, I should go cut it, it has gotten too long."

"I think you look very good like this," I admitted.

"Then I'll wait a bit." I rested my hand on the back of his head and brought his lips to mine, marvelling in the fact that I could do this, that he wanted me to do this. It was too good to be true.


Finally, my boys!

I hope you enjoyed, more interesting things coming up next :)

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