The Story

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*Paris pov*

After i was done excepting the fact that my closest friends were now gone i heard a knock on the door. "Who is it" I shouted at the door from the bed I was too lazy and depressed to get it.

"It's me love. Harry" I took a deep shaky breath and stood up to unlock the door.

"Its open" i said and walked back to the bed i turned around to see Harry closing the door.

"Can we talk" He said sitting at the end of the bed

"About what. You already killed my friends. Are you gonna talk about how you're gonna kill me is that what we're gonna talk about if so then just kill me now, an get over it" i snapped at him he looked down and I sighed. I closed my eyes for a second and took a deep breath calming me down a bit. That's what my dad always told me when I was like 5.

When your feeling sad, depressed, or mad just close your eyes and take a deep breath.

"Ok. What do you wanna talk about?" I said looking down and fiddling with my hands.

"About why you are here and that you NEED to stay here" He said emphasising 'need'

I nodded my head for him to continue i seriously need to know why I'm here

*Harry's pov*

"Ok umm Paris, there are some vampires that want you and they want to turn you into a vampire, but not a normal vampire. A Evil Vampire that can take over the world." i said beginning the story I'm about to tell Paris.

"But why do they want me" she asked looking up at me with pleading eyes to answer the question.

"Be..because of what your great grandmother did to them' i kinda stuttered not knowing if i should tell her now. Well, she will find out sooner or later might as well tell her now.

"What did my great grandmother do?"

"Your great grandmother Lori was a vampire. She worked with the Elders theres Michael, Calum, Ashton, and there leader Luke. When your grandmother was working for them The Elders, wanted her to kill every human being. She didn't want to, but The Elders said if she doesn't do what they say they will kill her baby which is your mom Since she was pregnant when she was working for them. She was going to do it but then she had a plan. She told everyone to be dead, somehow they believed her and obeyed. The Elders bought the act and freed her.

When your mother was born she grew up without the Elders bothering them. Your grandma taught your mom how to control her thirst of blood since she is a vampire but not fully.

When your mom was now an Adult fully Vampire and was pregnant she was having you. The Elders found out Lori's little plan so they wanted revenge they said when the little baby is born they will kidnapped her/he and make them a powerful vampire to take over the world, since your grandma was powerful but not to powerful to defeat the Elders and they wanted more.

But after you were born you and your mom somehow escaped from them. They never took you, you grew up with your mom and your dad wasn't around that much.

When you were old enough to move out of the house The Elders was going to kidnapped you there, but then they found out that you were living with your friends.

After you turn 19 which is 5 months from now, they will try to catch you and turn you into one of us but evil and take over the world. And if they do then all the human will become slaves

If other vampires like us don't want to join in the invasion then we get poisoned with thus venom and get to control our body an we can't stop it.

The guys can't turn you into a vampire before your birthday it has to be after.. But if one of the boys bites you first on your birthday or after your birthday then that vampire will be your mate" I said finishing off I looked at Paris expression and i saw she had confusion, shocked, and scared

"Soo my mom is a vampire" she said more to herself then talking to me


"So if the Elders come and bites me i become there mate and be an evil vampire?" I nodded my head

"So am i...

"Half human, half vampire" i finished off her sentence

"You ok?" i said after there was silence

"Not really, i... what if they find me and i become evil.... i don't want to be evil or or take over the world" she said rambling on

I hugged her and she hugged back she was shaking badly. I rubbed her back in circles trying to calm her down. She let go of the hug

"Is there anything we can to stop the Elders?" She said fear in her blue eyes

"We still don't know. We still need to plan this" I said honestly

"Ok" she whispered and looked down

"Hey its gonna be ok? Get some sleep you seem tired" i said and she nodded her head

She went inside the covers and closed the her eyes. I kissed her head and turned off the lights and closed the door.


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