Day 14

15 4 1

to someone you've drifted away from

Dear Via:
You were my best friend 4th and 5th grade. Then your family needed to move. 2000 miles away from me. We promised each other that we would tell each other every night "good night, beautiful" but after a year all for of us forgot. I come to see you about every other year. And I love coming down to see you. But it's just different. With your school system you were in middle school a year sooner than me. And you'll be in high school a year sooner too. You've matured a lot. I, on the other hand, and still me. You're still dorky. But not the Vee I knew. You still have the brightness of the Via I used to know. But we have just grown apart. You were a reason I stayed. How would you know I was gone? Who would tell you? What if I just stopped showing up on viewing your stories on snapchat? Stopped liking your instagram pictures. Stopped texting you once a week or month. I had to stay. But then we became more distant. I still love you girl. I'll always have special place in my heart for you. Always remember that. I love you.
love, paypay

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