Chapter 26

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Elena's POV:

My whole world was black, my eyelids seemed to be sewn shut by some invisible force. I lay there for a good 20 minutes until it seems like a pump of adrenaline courses through my body and my eyes pop open and I sit up without even thinking about. I look around, trying to catch my breath, and it doesn't help that Dean throws himself on top of me and squeezes me half to death.

"Dean...your crushing my lungs" I tell him, tapping his shoulder.

"I'm sorry...I'm sorry" he says, pulling back and looking at me like it's the last time he will see me.

"No it's fine. Just a little sore." He laughs that laugh that you hear when you know there is something on his mind. "Hey, I'm fine...really. I'm not going anywhere." I bring my hand up and touch his cheek, trying to comfort him in anyway I can.

"You died Elena. In front of me, and I couldn't do anything about it because of this stupid plan." I look at him and realize how much it hurt him. I go ahead and kiss him just to try and take away some of the pain. He immediately relaxes and I know it helps him to know I'm not going to disappear.

"I'm sorry, but I'm here now. And I'm not going anywhere. I can promise you that." I go and kiss him just as an emphasis.

"I love you Elena Gilbert." I smile at him but before I reply, Jeremy comes running in from outside.

"Elena!" He pulls me up from sitting and crushes me into a bear hug. I hug him back almost as hard and realize how glad I am to be able to hug him. "Are you ok?"

"Ya I'm fine Jer. Just kind off want to get out of this abandoned warehouse."

"Well I was about to take Bonnie back to her house, so how about you go with Dean" he then looks at me in this weird way and I realize he is doing this on purpose.

"Thanks Jer." He walks out and turn back towards Dean. "You ready to go?"

"Yup" he gets up but I grab his arm before he can walk past me.

"I love you too DeanWinchester."

2 months later

Since everything happened with Klaus, I decided I didn't want to stay in Mystic Falls any longer. I loved my family but after everything that happened with Jenna and everything else. So I left with Sam and Dean and have been with them ever since. It's now Halloween and we are on a hunt somewhere. No surprise there that we have to go "undercover" to talk to some teenagers. Hence why we are at a costume shop.

"I should so go as Johnny Depp."

"Dean, do you mean Jack Sparrow?"

"No Sam, I mean Johnny Depp. He's hotter."

"Do we have to dress up?"

"Yes Elena, if I have to you do to."

"Who said you have to?"

"We are going to a costume party..." Sam says in a monotone voice.

"Whatever." I decide to just dress up in a tight dress and a leather jacket and heels so I don't have to buy anything. When it is time to actually go, you could tell that Dean was partially happy with my costume, and partially annoyed because we were going to be around other people. Before he lets me walk into the frat house, he pulls me back and kisses me hard.

"Just remember that your my girlfriend and no one else should look at you like I know they will." I laugh at him and walk away, with a little more swing in my step then usual. I hear him groan and become a little more proud of myself
As soon as I walk in, I immediately notice every guy look at me. Guess maybe this costume wasn't that good of an idea.

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