Chapter 6

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The next morning I woke up, I felt the comforting arm that drapes around my waist while we slept. I turned around and stared up at Ian's face, studying his features. He was in every way in perfect. "Flame? Ian. Wake up. You have to go work in the fields today with Lily this morning." I cooed at him. Slowly but surely, he woke up. "C'mon. I'll get you some clothes, or could Ian help you with that?" I asked Flame. For a moment, he stared off into distance. He was probably conversing with Ian. "I think Ian could help." He said finally. I smiled and kissed his cheek lightly. He blushed and then winced. Probably from the scolding Ian is giving him. "Sorry. I shouldn't have kissed you." I said appologetically. "But I'd never thought I would see the day that Ian O'Shea would blush. Anyways, I'm going to be late. Bye!" I gave him one last look and left for the kitchen where I would spend my day making bread.

For the rest of the morning, I was kneading, baking, washing, cooking, and cleaning in the kitchen. When it was finally time for lunch, I was delighted to finally take a break. I walked out of the kitchen and saw Flame walking with Lily. Suddenly, I had a feeling deep in my stomach. I was...jealous. What? Why would I be jealous of Lily and Flame? At least it wasn't Ian. I quickly shook off the feeling and grabbed two bowls of soup off of the counter. I put the bowl in front of Ian and I sat down to eat mine when Kyle walked in. "Hey Flame Burns Bright, I need a word with you." He said while stealing my soup away from me. I crossed my arms in fake anger. I must not have been convincing because Jared, Melanie, and Jamie looked like they were trying hard on trying not to laugh.

•Flame's POV•

"Hey Flame Burns Bright, I need a word with you." I looked up and saw that the words came from Ian's brother, Kyle. The moment I figured out who said that, I had a wave of terror go through me.

Just stay calm and follow him. Kyle won't hurt me. He won't.

I rolled my eyes.

He won't hurt you, but he will most definetly hurt me.

I replied.

I followed Kyle into a dark tunnel when he suddenly stopped. All of a sudden, his fist connected with my nose with a deafening crack. He then punched me in my stomach. I whimpered and fell to the hard rock floor. All I could feel was unbearable pain. "Please...Please stop. Kyle..." I whimpered. I looked up and saw that he was drawing back his fist to punch me when Someone yelled, "Stop Kyle! YOU'RE HURTING HIM!" I turned around and saw Wanda.

Wanda. Ian thought with a sigh. I felt happy... sort of. Kyle wouldn't hurt Wanda. She'll make him stop. Wanda came over, but Kyle pushed her to the floor. "Go away Wanda. Let me do this. He stole my brother." Kyle hissed. I felt...angry. No one should talk to Wanda like that. I tried to get up, but when I moved, there was a horrible pain coming from my ribs. I looked over at Wanda and saw that she got up behind Kyle. Since he was so occupied on trying to hurt me, he didn't notice when she got up. She jumped on his back, but Kyle threw her off. I saw that she hit her head on the floor. She was bleeding. Kyle hurt Wanda. He won't get away with that. With a surge of anger, I got up, with difficulty I might add, and walked over to Kyle and threw a punch right at his face. "Don't ever hurt her again Kyle!" I shouted. He held his nose in his hand. Broken...again. I felt sort of smug that I hit him, but he kicked my legs from under me and when I fell on the floor, he quickly got up and pinned me down. He kneed me in the stomach again, probably breaking another rib or two.

"STOP! WHAT ARE YOU DOING KYLE O'SHEA?!" I turned around and saw a short woman with curly black hair. I saw Kyle's face turn from anger, to pain, to fear. "S-Sunny. It's not what it looks like." He stuttered. His grip on me slackened and I fell to the floor with a groan. "Kyle, just because you saw a chance to.. hurt someone... doesn't mean you have to beat them up! Is it because he's a soul? Because if it is because of that, I'm a soul too!" Sunny yelled at him. He looked down. But them, Sunny gasped. "Wanda! Wanda are you alright?" She rushed over to Wanda and I crawled over to her. Wanda was unconcious. Her blonde hair was tinted with red from her blood. "Kyle, what did you do to her?" Sunny yelled.


CLIFFHANGER SUCKAS! lol. What's going to happen to Wanda?!?! Vote, Comment, Share, Fan! Max Iron ish hawt. Byeo!•

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