Chapter 1

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When I was a kid I used to wonder what it would feel to be a grown up now that I know that it sucks I just want to shrink back to my old self when things were not so complicated.

When I thought that the moon was really made of cheese or you could die by holding your breath believe me once I had tried to do it when my mother had scolded for something I didn't do so I had held my breath thinking that I would die but after some time I woke up in my bed because I had fell asleep.

I also remember once a teacher in my school said that God has sent every one of us for a reason but now I wonder why has he sent me, was it just to bear pain or why is he making my life more miserable or why did he take my father away from me so brutally two years ago or why my mother married Tad who is a total shit hole, he is not even close to my father, my father was the best person I have ever known.

My mother has changed so much always trying to impress Tad, just thinking about these things make me want to cry.

After a lot of more useless thinking I cry hard in my pillow for some time to let my emotions flow.

You know what they say better to be out than in, after some time when I have no tears left, I switch off the lights just to drift in the hollowness and the dark.

I see my father approaching to me with a sad look in his eyes

"I'm really sorry Sky my dear, my princess" he whispers in my ear engulfing me in a hug, suddenly there is a loud bang on my door, my eyes fly open.

There is another bang on my door. I know who it is, that bloody shit.

"Wake up, get ready for school " he practically shouts these words, I wish that that dream was real. A big lump forms in my throat but I ignore it and go to the washroom

I stare at my reflection my blond hair, grey eyes which are too big for my face,pale skin that never never pays off the time at the beach, I have got my grey eyes from my father, my hair from my mother, my mother used to say that I had a lot in common with my father, now I wonder if my face reminds her of my father or not.

When I am about to reach the kitchen Tad appears, I ask him where my mother is he says that she is not feeling well so I continue making myself a sandwich.

When I am about to leave my jerk of a step brother Drew from the other room appears.

Drew has some similar features with tad like brown eyes and brunette hair, he exchanges good mornings with both Tad me then he asks where my mom is, Tad tells him that he thinks she is probably faking to sleep in and it boils my blood to hear him talking about her like that.

I rush out of the out and inhale the crisp air.

Drew the monkey comes half running to catch up with me

"Hey sis that was nice you just bought yourself a grounding order from dad" he says it with a grin on his face.

"Your dad" I correct him.
"And I do not follow his orders you know it" I say shooting him a glare, he raises his hand in surrender

We reach the bus stop in silence, I think that silence is better than speaking but apparently he doesn't think so, "I know that dad is a real pain in the ass and I'm sorry about it"

When I look up at him his eyes are full of sincerity, he continues " I know how it feels when you lose a someone who is really close to you"

I don't know what to say I'm surprised I'm actually very surprised that he didn't make any smart ass comments. "But on a serious note dad is going to kick your ass while I will be watching with popcorn preferably the caramel one " and there it is guys, the Drew I know.

"And you know you are an asshole" I say as both of us board the school bus.

My eyes search for my best friend Alison. She is my bestie.

I spot her drooling over drew, I plop down on the seat next to her.

"So did you take permission from your parents for the party" she asks dragging the so.

I look at her in disbelief, "Are you insane if I tell my mom that means she will tell the moron which means I wont ever be going".

"Yes I know that but then if you didn't notice that your hot step brother is also in our school" she says while looking at Drew, giving him a hot-alison-smile.

"Ewww alison it's gross, he is still my step brother, besides I think I can persuade him not to tell anyone" I say looking away

"Whatever but you have to admit that he is hot" she says grinning.

"Stop it" I say giving her a look that clearly says 'I'm-gonna-throw-up' but she just shrugs and continues to drool.

It's our lunch break.

Me, Alison, Mia, Jake, Ian, Ellis are sitting on our usual place, Ian is the quiet one, Ellis well.... He is Ellis always hitting on girls and as for Jake, he is a nice boy really helpful.

They are all debating about some useless game, Mia elbows me hard in the stomach, "Owwww what was that for!" I exclaim.

"Sorry it was meant a bit slower" she said sheepishly, I fake glared at her." So what do you want?" I asked her munching on my fries.

"Aah yes I wanted to ask if you would like to skip the next class with me" she asks me.
"No"I  tell her sternly, shaking my head.
"Pleaseeeee" she pleads giving me her best puppy face which she damn well knows that I won't be able to resist.

"Okay" I say in defeat, she grins and drapes her arm on my shoulder.

Just as the bell rings both me and Mia take off.

We decide to hide in the maintenance closet because as per Mia nobody really comes there during this period.

"I don't think that it is a good idea anybody can find us here" I say opening the door.

"No it's okay nobody comes in there"

"Okay I am only doing this because I trust you on this"

When we are both adjusted she says "You know jake asked me to a date"

"But I thought that he was with that new girl?" I inquired.

"Yes but they broke up "she shrugs.


"I don't know he prefers not to talk about it"

I humm in response.

"So what about you are you seeing someone" she asks me.


"If you want I can find some one for you" she wiggles her eyebrows.

"Oh.. please don't. You just concentrate on your date with Jake" I laugh.

Suddenly the door opens and light floods in the room, a male voice says "Hey! what are you two doing in here?" momentarily I am blinded by the sudden light.

"Shit" Mia and me say looking at each other.


hi guys *waves hand like a maniac*

*Brain: stop it you idiot you are scaring them away*

*Me:sorry* *starts to giggling like a psycho*

*Brain:*sighs* hopeless case*rolling its eyes*

this is my first story on wattpad hope you like it......

And if you do please vote and give me your precious feedback.

I will love you forever...😘
lots of love :)

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