Chapter 9

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"OH MY GOD!!" I exclaimed as Daniel drove closer towards it, my eyes were as big as saucers and my mouth was hanging open  but I literally felt like a kid with a free bag of tasty candies, my insides were all giddy and even though my mouth was hanging open I was grinning the biggest grin that anyone could muster.

Weird right but anyway it is what it is.
I turned to Daniel, when he saw my expression he started to laugh snapping me out of my daze. I slapped the back of his head which cause him to pout.

Awwwww...He looks so adorable.

Now it was my turn to laugh.

"Seriously! Are we going there, I thought we were going to the annual fair" I asked him pointing to the big rollercoaster that was getting bigger and bigger as we were driving closer towards it.

He was taking me to the amusement park. It was the bestest ​of the best park in the town. I had gone there with Mom and Dad but it was a long time ago.

"COTTON CANDY!!!!!!" I squealed as I spotted one of the stalls . He looked at me weirdly, I gave him a cheeky smile.

"you can't blame me I haven't had one in ages and I loved them" I told him remembering​ the last time I ate one.

" Okay come let's get some" He said snapping me out of my thoughts and dragging me towards the stall.

" So which color do you want" He asked me when we reached the stall.


"Okay. One blue colored candy" he ordered the woman behind the stall.

" What you're not going to have one" I asked him frowning.

" No,I guess I never have tried one so I don't really know what to expect" he said sheepishly.

I gasped "come on don't tell me you've never even had a small piece"
"Umm... No"

" Well then you my friend should totally try it" I grinned and ordered the lady to make two of them.

The candies looked so fluffy, mine looked like a cute blue cloud and Daniel's looked like a purple cloud, Daniel's candy was originally pink but he said that it hurt his masculinity I had a good one minute laughing fit on that.

I immediately started to devour it. It was soo tasty, just as the first bite went in my mouth it melted. I glanced at Daniel who was chuckling at me like I amused him. How dare he?.

" Don't laugh at me till you've had it yourself" I glared at him at which he started to laugh , I averted my eyes from him. To my beautiful candy I wanted to moan at how heavenly it tasted but that would be quite inappropriate at a public place like this.  Wouldn't it?.

" Oh come on take a bite" I encouraged him .

" Okay" he hesitantly​ brought a piece of candy to his mouth and ate it , his eyebrows shot in surprise , I'm guessing that it melted.
" This stuff is really good" he said in appreciation while stuffing his mouth with more candy.

"Told ya" I said with an attitude.

"Come on it won't be that bad!"
"Yes you are right it won't be bad it will be WORSE!!" I exclaimed.

After eating our cotton candy we both went on some rides which were harmless. Right now Daniel was trying to convince me to go on the rollercoaster. You see why I said the rollercoaster, it is the biggest and the deadliest in our city!. There is no freaking way I am going on that thing!!.
"Please please please please please please please come with me" He was trying the eyes, when he saw that it wasn't working he added the pout and it was working. I just couldn't stand his puppy dog eyes with a pout.

"Okay" I sighed in defeat.
"Yessssss" he fist pumped in the air  grinning like a Cheshire cat, I could see the evil glint in his eyes.


"AHHHHHHHH I'MMMMMM GOING TO DIEEEEEE" I screamed as the rollercoaster​ dropped, it felt like all my insides were floating, the adrenaline rush in my body was exhilarating. I was scared but at the same time the thrill was amazing. I was cursing Daniel
But I was also thanking him secretly because I know I never would've​ agreed to do this kind of thing. I looked over to Daniel and he was laughing, his laughter was contagious so I soon found myself laughing too.

"That.was.amazing"  Daniel said as we walked towards his car, yeah the ride was over and now we were going because it was getting a bit late. After the rollercoaster we both went to some other rides but none of them were amazing like the rollercoaster. We both were tired as hell so we agreed to go home straight now.

"Daniel slow down! I don't want to die yet you oaf and this isn't fast and furious" I exclaimed as we glided through lanes of cars.
"It's okay I won't let you die" he chuckled, "Ass" I muttered under my breath
"But I'm your ass" he retorted.
"You are my nothing" I said confidently.
"We'll see about that later" he said smirking.

We pulled her my houses drive way and he opened the car door for me.

As we reached outside my house. He pulled me back and said, "Sky I really enjoyed a lot with you today".
" I did too" I said softly, aware of his hard abs flush against mine.

I could feel the sexual tension growing more and more.

He started to lean his head towards me and just like a magnet I did too.
I could feel his breath near my lips as I closed my eyes, our lips inches apart from each other, just a push and they would be touching.

But instead his lips came down against my cheek, brushing it lightly—and still that light touch sent shivers through my nerves, shivers that made my whole body tremble.

"See you tomorrow" he whispered softly, his breath tickling my ear.
Finding it hard to speak I just nodded softly, our faces still at the close proximity.
I pushed myself away from him and opened the door, aware of my tomato red face and got inside my house with my heart thumping like I had ran a marathon.

I know I haven't updated from a long long time and I'm sorry for that.

I will try to update as much as I can. I promise.

Love you all

Please click on that little 🌟 it would make me smile hugeeeeeeeeeeeeee.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 21, 2017 ⏰

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