Chapter 6

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“are we there pleaseeee” i whine for the hundredth time but he just chuckles.idiot.

“no we are there yet so shut up and sit quietly”he says playfully keeping his eyes on the road.i snort and return to watch through the window.

so as you can see i'm still with Daniel in his car it has been almost half an hour but still we haven't reached and he wouldn't tell me where he was taking me. jerk. throughout the ride we talked about random things, he told me that he is an only child and his parents are usually out of the town and the place where we are going is special.

*After sometime*

i feel someone shaking me lightly when i open my eyes i see Daniel smiling down at me opening the car door for me

“we are there”he says taking my hand and leading me out of the car, i am surprised to see my surroundings , we are at the beach and there aren't many people just a few. just as i'm about to say something he scoops me in his arms and i shriek in surprise.

“what are you doing, put me down” i glare at him and try to wriggle out of his embrace when i look at him he has a smug grin plastered , i soo want to wipe that bloody grin from his face,

“nope” he says popping the ‘p’ , i scowl at him.

“put me down , you idiot” and this time i am yelling at him which us earns some weird glances from other people at the beach

“you do remember that you can not walk or else you will fall flat on your butt again”

“shut up i can perfectly walk there is no need of you carrying me” i snort in the most unlady like manner just as i am about to speak i see where he is heading , my eyes widen in realisation when i look up at him he still has that smug grin but something has definitely changed… his eyes, they hold a glint of….. I don't know what?.

“you wouldn't dare”  he wouldn't dare to right…

“want to find out ” just as I'm about to say something i am soaring in the sky but the next moment i fall in the water with a loud splash. yes you are right he freaking threw me in water… they say payback's a bitch..i inwardly smiled  as a brilliant idea comes to my mind .

i start to splutter and splash water and act to gasp for breath, fake tears start to flow from my eyes “I...i c-cant s-swim he-help”  i splutter and splash more water.

“shit” Daniel looks at me with fear, he jumps in water to save me but just as he is about to reach me i start to laugh , i laugh so hard my tummy starts to hurt .

“you- you really thought i was sinking HAHAHAA” i laugh clutching my tummy .

“Hahaha really funny i know” he says sarcastically.

“Oh, but you deserved it, you know” i smirk at him

Daniel and me had so much fun , this day was officially the best day of this year, we swam for sometime but then both of us got hungry and can you believe it , Daniel had brought food while i was asleep during the car ride , we talked and just sat there ,we watched the sunset , it was soo beautiful

Right now he was driving me to Alison's house there was a comfortable silence.

“Here we are ,milady” Daniel said bringing the car to halt and bowing slightly in his car seat.

“Thankyou good sir” i giggled “ thank you soo much for today i had a really good time “ i said sincerely .

“ You are welcome and maybe we can repeat it someday”

“Sure ….umm.. so bye” oh god now it was getting awkward.

“Okay so bye” and i got out of the car and without a second thought i got out of the car , when i turned to look at his car he he smiled as i reach the door he took off .

When i opened Alison's bedroom i saw her sitting on her bed looking at her laptop without even looking up she said” you missy have a lottt to explain” and when she looked up she smirked and by that i guessed that she saw Daniel's car , I sighed and sat on the bed to start explaining all that happened today

YOLO  dear readers i know I it has been a lot time since i updated but right now i have a lot of pressure of exams . Ugh i hate exams and i know this was a filler but i am under a lot of pressure i hope you understand.
Till then please
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