Chapter 7

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It has been a week since Daniel and i went to the beach, thankfully my ankle has healed, just thinking about that day with daniel brings a smile to my face , Daniel and me have become  type of hangout buddies it's so fun and easy to be with him, i am the old me with him, the one who was always happy.

Mom came back home so i had to go back to that hellhole of a house , i haven't told her about the fight Tad and me got into but i have a feeling that i should but i also have a feeling that it's not really important, at home everything has gone back to normal me and Tad glaring ,  Drew and me have been getting along well , i could see that he wasn't like his dad and that he had a kind heart but still a jerk, him and me have developed a brother and sister relation, always picking on each other but i don't think Tad likes it cause he is always passing on comments about how i am ruining his Golden child and as per mum it was nice that we were getting along.

Today was a saturday and currently i am lying on my bed with my earphones on and my playlist on shuffle and just as ‘Right now’ by One direction starts to play,  Daniel pops in my head , i think it's because i really am wishing that he was here right now , now y’all must be wondering why Daniel popped in my head it's just that… that  might have got a teeny weeny bit of crush on him….ugh just thinking about his smile, his face makes my heart to race.. who am i kidding i don't have a teeny weeny bit of crush on him it's a major crush and whenever he compliments me or just jokes about us  being together all those butterflies turn into bloody wild animals and my face looks likes it's on fire being grilled but i just try to show it doesn't affect me.  Note the keyword try.

“i think you've got a bit of drool” Alison says snapping me out of my thoughts. i sit straight and wipe my face with my hand. i know soo unlady like but who cares. meh. when  i feel nothing on my face i glare at her.

“when did you come here” i ask her still shooting daggers at her. and yes she knows about my teeny weeny bit of crush on Daniel.

“while you were drooling about you know who and please stop glaring you look like a c-o-constipated kitten” she says while laughing loud

“please i am not interested in voldermort although he is the best villain.” i huff and turn to my mirror and start to check out my glare while Alison is laughing like maniac, clutching her stomach “con-constipated k-i-t-t-e-n hahahaha” , unwillingly a small smile breaks on my face then it turns into laughter and within seconds we both sound like dying hyenas while rolling on the bed.

After our laughing banter we decided to just go to the mall and just wander around while talking. we brought some snacks for our movie night. wait..did i tell you today is our movie night.

anyway we brought snacks and Alison being Alison brought some new nail paints, one thing you should know about alison is that she is obsessed with nail paints. just as we opened the door.

“ewwwww Drew my virgin eyes” i yelled at Drew who was having a makeout session with stacie on the couch, they both broke apart.

“what is she doing here”she sneers at me.

“oh whyyyy….. Drew whyyy, how could cheat” i said with fake tears and held Alison’s arm for support who was starting t get red by holding her laugh.

“whattt you cheated on me with her”  she screeched  “we.are.done.” she said while stomping away just as she was out Alison and me burst out laughing while drew sat there still shocked

“how could you do this to me” he turned towards us but we were busy laughing our asses off

“HAHAAHAHA that was soo hilarious” Alison said while calming down.

the whole evening we made fun of Drew while he just grumbled that he was gonna get laid today.    

hiyo guys
i know this is a short chapter but please bear with me until my exams are over.
sooo what do you think...... sky has accepted that she has a major crush on Daniel... the next chapter will have something special so wait for it.
And for those who don't remember Stacie is the bitch who gave a foul to sky in the class( the first day she met  Daniel).
see you guys soon and  wish me and teenlifesucks luck for our exams. i sure need it maybe with your luck i will pass them😝

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