Chapter Thirteen

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I figured that once Declan and Oakley knew about our little secret, things would change drastically and the world would realign itself in some way, but things were fairly... normal. 

Except for the fact that the boys and I were making our way downtown to the police station to spend the day way in over our heads. When Declan asked for our help, I knew the situation was serious, but, now, when we were just minutes away from the station, the seriousness of it all was really starting to kick in. It was safe to say that my nerves were shot. 

I felt tiny fingers grab my own and looked down at Venice. He was still talking to Legend, but it touched my heart that he was focused enough and caring enough to try and lend me comfort. I placed a firm kiss to the top of his head and he beamed up at me, interrupting what his brother was trying to say.

When they continued their conversation, I sighed and turned to look at Yoshi. No surprise that he was already watching me. 

He shrugged. "What can I say, you're lovely to look at."

I snorted and rolled my eyes. I'm sure I was anything but lovely today. I had been awake all night stressing out, and as a result, my eyes were bright red with exhaustion. 

Yoshi shook his head and nudged me with the arm he had around the back of my seat. 

"I know you're apprehensive Rae," he said quietly, inclining his head towards me so we wouldn't be overheard. "But we're doing a good thing. You'd feel worse if you hadn't agreed to help. You know that."

I did know that. But that didn't do very much to ease the fear bubbling in the pit of my stomach. 

"You have nothing to be scared of. You've got me and two little soldiers here to depend on if you need it, but something tells me that you're going to be fine, Rae."

His words mixed with the comforting way he was playing with my hair helped to put some of my fear at ease, but I was still fairly apprehensive. That apprehension was still causing a knot in my throat a few minutes later when we all were making our way through the doors of the station. Upon entering, my eyes immediately began searching for Declan, but he wasn't anywhere that I could see.

"Shit," I said under my breath. "Let me just call hi- "


My head snapped up in time to see Declan walking out towards us. He looked worse than I did quite frankly. His tie was half undone, his hair looked like he had been pulling at it and he had a cup of what I suspected was not his first cup of coffee in his hand. I smiled gently at him and gratefully accepted the hug he presented me with. 

"I'm glad to see you guys," he said giving us each a smiling. Though, if you asked me, the smile he gave Yoshi was more of a grimace. He obviously wasn't completely warmed up to him yet. 

Declan took a step back and gestured to the room he had come out of. "Ready to get started?"

I nodded at the boys and they followed Yoshi into the room. I went to follow, but Declan put a hand on my arm to stop me. 

"I just want to say," he began, "that there is going to be some stuff that the kids are going to have a tough time hearing. Are you sure you're okay with that?"

I thought about my boys. Venice who was so caring and loving, and Legend who had such an absolute sense of justice in his heart. Even if I did want to take them home at this point, there was no way that they would go without kicking and screaming. 

I shook my head.

"I'm not okay with it, but they want to help and I can't say no to that. Just... try not to be too gruesome in front of them."

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