Mine Only

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It was fun to be the 'innocent' character I am. I could never truly express myself around my parents or anyone in general. That was until Viktor came into my life. I've always wanted someone to be mine. Just mine and only to please me.

I felt to shy to ask of that from anyone, only someone who becomes my lover will see my true self. I am possessive seeing that I never loved someone so strongly like Viktor. He was my world and my room was covered with his gorgeous face. His blue eyes always seem to be shining.

Though I knew I could never get near that idol that ruled the figure skating world. I was near the bottom, a place he would never look for a love interest. At least that was the thought I carried with me all my skating career.

It was thanks to the triplets that Viktor landed his eyes on me. The video of me skating his progarm went viral and made eyes be drawn to my figure and question my position as to why I would post such a thing.

The last person I expected to see the video was Viktor Nikiforov. The one who I have been following since I was young and wanted nothing more than to skate next to him. To stand by his side and to within his circle of friends. So it was quite a surprise when he showed up at my family's onsen and didn't even care if I saw him naked.

That moment, I knew I couldn't let Viktor go. If he is to be my coach, then he better dedicate his heart to me. Which was hard to portray when he was making me work out till there was aching in all of my muscles within a day.

The russian Yuri came chasing after Viktor, claiming that Viktor owed him a program. So that week was just more training and performing the program he designed for us. Which unleashes the eros I had hid from the world, which showed my sex appeal. My mind at first was just about katsudon but, it changed as I went on with training. I wanted to impress Viktor and no one else matters. I stand by Viktor not as his pupil, but as man who desires a relationship with his life idol.

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