I made it

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I made it to the Grand Prix final! Barely though. It was just a hairline that I managed to qualify for the event. My performance wasn't the best, even Yakov scolded me.

I couldn't function as well. When I heard my score, I hugged and thank Yakov. I felt such a relief over the tense body. Every muscle went weak but, it wasn't over yet. JJ was still next.

He won in first place, Yurio in second and Mickey in third. It was that hairline that got me into the finals. All that day's energy flew out of my body and I was felt a zombie.

I walked around hugging all the figure skaters. Though Yurio was harder to catch in my grasp but, I was able too. JJ had a shocked expression and it almost made me smile.

On the plane I slept through the flight with a neck pillow for support. It was an alright ride but, I was going to see Viktor again. It felt strange not have him next to me and having someone really motivate me to my best.

I wore a surgical mask to prevent me from getting sick. Being in a new country could get one sick easily. I only had my backpack with me. My brown eyes looked down to prevent eye contact.

A bark broke my stare down as a brown poodle went up to the glass that separated the waiting room. It looked like Makkachin. Could it be?

There sitting in a crappy chair was Viktor. The man I grew comfortable around and I grew to love. As soon as we locked eyes, we ran. We ran together at the door that would lead me to warm arms.

It was the best feeling. It's the feeling of coming home to loved ones. We talked for a bit, just standing there and hugging. I could say that I missed his scent.

Please be mine till the end of time.

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