The Attack

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I thought that maybe we could have a little more peace, more time to recover...

I was wishing for the IMPOSSIBLE.

We had been attacked and now everyone was flocking to protect the HQ against...

Other survivors.

Flashback few hours ago

It was a normal day, well as normal as an apocalypse could get...

Anyway, Chris and Mira were scouting for survivors and potential threats.

The rest of us were training, preparing for the worst.

Then, I heard something. It was really soft, so it might have been my imagination, but I wasn't the only one who heard it.

Kitty and Iris both heard it too.

Iris paled.

"That was Chris. That was his scream."

They were under attack!?

Oh God.

I looked at everyone.
They seemed to have come to the same conclusion.

We all nodded, though some did so shakily and grabbed our weapons.


There was a horde or infected and Mira and Chris were in the horde...

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