During the Kill, Kitty

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This chapter is by KittyCyanide, to whom Kitty belongs to.
You can also find it in one of her books, Short Stories.

Be sure to check her out!

🔥🔪🔥Kitty's POV🔥🔪🔥

I wander a dark wasteland, and I cannot see five feet in front of me. I've lost count of how many times I've had this same dream for the past week.

I sigh and run my fingers through my hair, touching the exact places where orange streaks would appear should I use my power.

My power.

I grin and hold out a hand, illuminating my palm with a golden-orange flame.

Why didn't I think of this before?

The fire suddenly burst out of control, consuming the air around it and shrouding me in a wave of flames. I open my mouth to scream but black smoke rushes in and my eyes begin to close.

"What's happening...?" I manage to murmur before the darkness overtakes me and I hear a single, piercing scream.

My eyes fly open and I heave a sigh of relief, before remembering the thing that woke me up.

A scream.

~ Time Skip ~

All I see is Jayden pulling a bloodstained knife out of Elle's chest.

"Ja-Jayden... ho-why!?"
Another despairing scream splits the air and I realised that it was Aqua, her tan face terribly pale.

Jayden smirks.

"Don't you get it? You all really are IDIOTS..."

A small murmur escaped my frozen lips.


"Don't you see? I never liked your little group to begin with! You were just tools to benefit me!"

He laughs, and I feel my heart break as I stared into his eyes.

His eyes.

They were turning red.
He was infected.

I let out a small gasp.

"Please Jayden, you don't have to do this!" Aqua said softly, trying to reason with the 16-year-old.
He ignores her.

He lifts the bloody knife and lunges at Aqua menacingly, eyes a crazed red.

I see Aqua flinch and close her eyes, but at the last second Drea threw a protective shield made of air in front of her, deflecting Jayden's blow.

Aqua came back to her senses and immediately summoned another shield, this one made from water. I was still standing still at a corner, frozen to the spot.

Jayden kept hacking at the shields with his blade, I could tell that Aqua and Drea were tiring. Sooner or later he would break through and someone would die.

I immediately unfroze as he turned to me, one of those without a shield.

He leaped at me, knife raised high, ready to slash my throat and end my life.

I raise me hand, sweeping it in a wide arc, creating an arc of flame that stuns Jayden, making him step back.

I quickly draw my sword and slash forward, tears running down my face.

As Jayden fell, his shirt stained with fast-flowing blood, I knew that I had made the right choice.

"I'm sorry Jayden. This is for your own good..." I yelled.

Jayden never got up again, His chest's rise and fall stopping. A single tear drops to the ground.

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