Meeting the group

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"Come on. HQ is right over there." Said Ruka as I followed the two of them to meet their group.
I was going to burst from excitement and relief that there was still a possibility of more of my friends being alive, and that I didn't have to be on my own anymore. But...
At the same time, I was nervous and scared. I was worried that the group might not accept me and I would be left to fend for myself on my own again...

"We're here." They both said in unison. I couldn't help but smile at that, considering that fact that Ruka should be around 12, turning 13 while Iris was around the same age as me, 14.

"Guys! We have another survivor!" Hollered Iris. The people in the HQ (a big abandoned bungalow overgrown with plants) immediately looked up at me.

Oh god... they're all staring at me. What do I do!?

Fortunately for me, Iris quickly introduced me to the group before I could do something stupid and embarrass myself.
There were around 9 people in the group, 10 including me, all of which looking to be from 11 to 20 something.
They quickly introduced themselves.

There was Kitty, who was 16, she had short purple hair and eyes, wore a cat hoodie, tights and sneakers.

Then, there was Drea, one of my best friends and the oldest in the group at the age of 18. She still had her light brown hair and eyes with her pale skin, but instead of shoulder-length hair, she had waist-length hair which was tied in a braid. She wore a white shirt underneath her black leather jacket, black form-fitting pants which were tucked into high black combat boots. Wow. She wore a LOT more black than I remembered...

There was also 14 year-old Ella, also a close friend. How she kept her skin so pale, I will never know. She, unlike the others, had black eyes and waist-length hair in a low ponytail that contrasted with her fair skin. She wore a denim jacket over a white shirt, straight-leg jeans and black running shoes.

Then there were people I had never met before.

There was Mira, a dark skinned girl with her dark hair in a ponytail and beautiful hazel eyes. She wore a vest over a orange shirt, khakis and converses. She was 15.

There was also Rowvu. She was 16 and had blonde hair and dark brown eyes. She also had a white jacket  over her black thigh length dress and sandals.

That was all the girls in the group and there were two boys, Chris and Jayden.

Chris was a tan 17 year-old with sandy-blond hair and deep green eyes. He wore a green shirt, khakis shorts and boots. Both he and Drea were the older responsible sibling figure to the rest.

Then, there was Jayden. He was a 16 year-old with auburn hair and pale blue eyes. He wore a blue checked shirt and jeans with sandals.

That was everyone and then Jayden asked, "Do you have powers too?"

For anyone who is curious about what the characters look like visually, I'll leave it up to your imagination!

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