Chapter 5

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I look down at the paycheck in my hands. I've been saving up for the past three months and with this one I have enough to start renting my own apartment. Something about it seems too permanent though. Like if I settle down here I'll be trapped here. The thought makes me uncomfortable.

"What is it?" Molly asks, seeing the discomfort on my face.

"I can't do it," I tell her.

"Do what?"

"I can't live here. It's a great place and everyone I've met here is amazing, but it's not home. If I settle down I'll never leave, but I feel like I need to."

"Where would you go?"


"When are you going to leave?"

"I haven't really decided. I guess whenever I feel ready. I want to go back, but I'm also scared."

"Don't rush into anything. Think about it for a few days."

"I will."

Molly starts to lock up so I take that as my cue to leave. I start walking towards Kyle's house. I've been walking for a few minutes when I hear a car behind me. I keep walking down the sidewalk and wait for the car to pass me. It doesn't. It keeps a slow pace behind me. Something is wrong. I resist the urge to turn and look at it.

I turn around the corner and look over my shoulder to see if the car follows me. It turns the corner a few second after me. It's a sleek, black car driving in the dark without its headlights on. And it's following me.

I pick up my pace slightly. I wish I had bought some brightly colored clothes and done something different with my hair. At least then I'd be harder to recognize.

I duck around the next corner and quickly duck into a dark alley. I know I don't have much time so I quickly climb up an old ladder onto the roof of the nearest building. I lay down on the roof just before I see the car turn into the street. I can't peek over the edge to see what they're doing or they'll see me.

I force myself to quiet my breathing as I wait to hear anything that would indicate that they're in the alley. The noise never comes. Maybe I lost them, or maybe they're biding their time and waiting for me to give myself up. It's a risk I can't take.

I realize that I'm shaking in the cool night air. My sweaty shirt is cold against my back and makes me even colder. I want to run back to Kyle's house but that could draw them there. That is, it could if they find me. If they don't see me, they can't track me.

I slowly slide myself across the roof until I reach the other side. If they're waiting for me they wouldn't expect me to go down this side. Who in their right mind would jump off a building?

I slowly lower myself down till I'm hanging off the edge by my fingertips. I glance down to quickly assess the ground before I drop. I roll with the impact and come up on my feet. I quickly start walking towards Kyle's house.

I scan the area around me constantly, always looking out for a black car. If someone is trying to find me I'm not going to lead them right to the only friend I have here. I'm relieved when I get to Kyle's house without spotting the car again.

I push the door open and am greeted by the sound of the TV. Kyle and his dad are watching an old movie and eating popcorn. When Kyle asks where I've been I tell him I went on a walk. It's not a lie but it's not the truth either. I deflected his offer for me to join them and hurry down to my room.

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