Chapter 6

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I wake up to a loud banging on my door. I groggily sit up and rub the sleep out of my eyes. The clock next to my bed reads 3:51. It's too early to be making this much noise.

"Rebecca Beire! Open up!" The banging continues. I hurriedly throw on my robe and rush through my small apartment to the door. Without thinking I quickly undo the locks and throw open the door. The two men on the other side of the door quickly shove their way into my apartment and close the door.

"You've been found out. We need to leave. Now," one of the men tells me.

Two months. That's how long it lasted. Two months. I shake my head in disbelief.

"How did they find me? I did everything right!" I slam my hand down on my kitchen table, suddenly angry over this whole situation. Every time I start to have a plan for my life it's ripped out from under me.

"Sometimes it just happens. Either they get lucky or you get extremely unlucky. Or both. It's not your fault. None of this is," the same guy says. He must be in charge.

"If there's anything you want to take with you I suggest you get it now. We need to leave soon."

I nod and quickly start throwing clothes in a bag. I change into my old Dauntless clothes. If they already found me then it doesn't matter if they recognize them anyway. And there's something comforting about wearing them again.

We calmly walk out of my apartment building and across the street to the parking lot. After we climb in the SUV we calmly drive away, back toward the Bureau.

"I never caught your name," I say to the man in the drivers seat next to me.

"I'm sorry, how rude of me. I burst into your apartment in the middle of the night and don't even introduced myself? My mom would be horrified. My name is James."

"I would introduce myself, but I'm pretty sure you know it already."

"Yes, I know who you are, Beatrice," James says with a laugh. His white teeth shine against his dark skin. I notice, not for the first time, that he's extremely good looking.

"I'm Mitch, by the way," the other man says from the back seat.

We talk for a few minutes before the conversation dies. When I finally build up the courage I ask where we're going.

"The Bureau. They have to reassign you from there," James explains. It's what I expected, but it's still good to hear it confirmed. I just wish it wasn't true. I don't want to be reassigned again.

To take my mind off things I start up a conversation with James and Mitch again. I talk with them the whole way to the Bureau. It's nice. I find that I really like talking to James. I'm kind of sad when we have to part ways.

This time, instead of being lead to the beauty department like I was expecting, I'm lead to an office. The same man as before hands me another folder with the papers for my ID. I'm shocked when I see the name.

"Rebecca Beire? You're not even going to bother changing my name? Why even give me new papers?" I ask, exasperated. I snap the folder closed and throw in on the desk. It makes a satisfying smack that seems to accentuate my frustration.

"We don't feel it's necessary to go through the trouble of finding you a new name when we believe we've found the most secure location to place you. Look at your birth certificate."

"I don't understand," I say with a sigh. "Why does it say I'm 16?"

"Look at it again."

I stare at the birth certificate for a while longer, not seeing anything wrong with it. Suddenly the realization hits me and I jump slightly I'm my chair.

"This is a Faction birth certificate," I say quietly.

"Yes, it is. I have a team getting your clothes together. You leave in a few hours."


I go over and over my cover story as I walk to the car in my gray, baggy Abnegation clothes. My name is Rebecca Beire, my parents were killed during the war, I ran outside the wall because I was scared, I'm back, and I need a place to stay. I also memorize the name and address of the woman the Bureau suspects will be sympathetic to my cause and take me in. She lost her husband and son in the war and now lives alone.

I climb into the SUV and smile at James.

"Are you ready?" James asks.

"Yes," I reply.

I smile as we start to move toward Chicago. I'm ready to go home.


Thank you all for reading! I hope you enjoyed this fanfiction! I'm starting to work on another one now which is really exciting!  Thanks again! You're all awesome and I'm lucky to have such amazing readers!

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