Chapter 1- The Ice Dragon

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      Garchomp: Hey Guy's Garchomp bring you my first Fairy Tail Fan-made story hope you guy's enjoy and let's get the show on the road. Tell me the things I need improvement on so I can make better fan made with no LEMON! you pervs.. There will also be some language in this story. 


Third POV(Point of View):

  I was alone on Jijil Peaks and everywhere I go there are scary noise all around me. I had no where to go and felt like being dead then alive. Everything happened so fast. I can't believe I survived that... horror. After surviving that I had trouble going to sleep now and I can barely stand. I want to forget everything that that had happened. 

      I was so cold in this stupid mountain with all this snow and stuff. It is hard to make a fire because of all this snow covering the sticks. I threw the sticks out of rage and started to walking again. I walked for along time looking for shelter and a way out of this mountain and find a town or village.

      I stumbled along a cave and I started to have little hope and determination. I walked in the cave. It was dark, but it was warm making a good place to rest for the night. While I was sleeping I heard something in the cave and wondered what it was. I got up from my place and walked farther into the cave. When are got farther into the cave it started to get colder.  What I saw made me chill to the bone. I saw a giant dragon in the cave and I was shaking because I never saw one before or thought they existed. 

      The dragon turned it's head and looked in my direction. The Dragon gave me a glare and I thought it was going to attack me. 

      "What do you want." said the Dragon. I wanted to leave, but I did not want to be rude.

      "I was just looking for shelter because it is snowy outside." I said. The dragon was looking at me with wonder.

      "Where is your mom and dad?" The Dragon asked. 

      "I got separated from them while we were going to Magnolia." I said with a cold expression. "I'm now alone with no by my side. Sorry for interrupting you." I walked away from the Dragon.

      "Wait." said the Dragon. I turned around looking at the Dragon. The Dragon gave a worried expression. "Let me take care of you and I will give you shelter."

      I thought about the offering, but were some thing's I wondered about the Dragon. Why did the Dragon want to take care of me? I don't know what it will feel like to have a dragon as a parent. Well I have nothing else to do anyway.

      "Sure I will accept your offer." I said. The Dragon gave a me a kind smile that gave me a warm feeling.

      "Let's start with introduction. My name is Glacier Frostwing, The Queen of the Ice Dragon's. It's a pleasure to meet you. What's your name." Glacier asked.

      "I forgot what my name was." I said while looking down to the ground. Glacier gave me a worried face.

      "How about I gave a new name my son."  asked Glacier. "How about I name you.... Snow. 

      "Why because I have white hair." I asked with curiosity.

      "Yes and no. Yes because you have white hair and no because that name came from my younger brother." said Glacier.

      "So Snow Frostwing. Ha I actually like that name. Makes me feel cool. It's ICE to meet you Glacier." I said with a smile.

      "Oh God..." said Glacier. She face palmed to my corny joke. She and I laughed for a while then we said something that interest me. "While I am taking care of you. I will teach you Ice Dragon slayer magic.

      "What is Dragon slayer magic?" I asked.

      "Dragon slayer magic is a rare magic also know has lost magic. It can transform the person's body into a actually dragon. They are immune to the element they use. For example, if a dragon slayer knows fire slayer magic then they can eat that element and regain their strength in battle, but it can't be your own magic you use to regain your strength. It has to be from another source to regain Strength. To know Dragon Slayer magic it must be taught by a Dragon, but Dragons don not exist now that I remember to you humans."  said Glacier.

      I was so excited and I jumped around the cave because I was going to learn Dragon slayer magic. Glacier laughed at my excitement of me jumping around the cave. 

      "One day I will disappear and you will take my place as King of the Ice Dragons, but I will tell him when when the day comes." thought Glacier as he watched Snow jump.

      "Now rest boy, we will start your training tomorrow." said Glacier

      I took a seat next to Glacier and went to sleep getting ready to learn Dragon slayer magic.


Garchomp: Hey Guy's hope you enjoyed the first chapter of this story.

Snow: Yeah hope you continue to support us and read our story.

Garchomp: What the..! when did you get here?

Snow: I was always here behind you and silent.

Garchomp: Alright, Emo...

Glacier: What did you saw to my child you fiend.

Garchomp: Nothing, Nothing at all!

Glacier: Ice Dragon..!!

Garchomp: Got to go bye! See you guys later!

Garchomp: Next time! A New Friend!

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