Chapter 25- The Shrine of the Holy God!

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2 Days after Luna Left (Snow's P.O.V)

      It was cloudy outside of Magnolia. I walked into the Guild and when I walked in everything went quiet and everyone looked at me. Everyone knew that Luna left and were worried about because they don't know when she will come back. It could be week's, month's, or year's. I didn't care if their were looking at me. I walked towards the bar with my head down and sat down at the counter. 

      "Hey Snow! What would you like for today?" asked Mirajane. I know that Mirajane is trying to cheer me up, but I don't know if I can. I asked for a cup of beer and she nod. Minutes later she came back with my cup of beer. "Here you go Snow! Drink up!" 

      "Thank's a lot Mira." I said softly. I started to drink from the glass. It didn't taste strong as usually. My depression must be stronger then the alcohol I'm drinking. That doesn't make sense? Then I felt a chair hit me on the back of the head. I stopped drinking and looked behind to see who threw it at me. Of course it was Natsu was the one who threw it at me.

      "Snow Fight me!" he yelled. I sighed and got of my seat and walked toward Natsu. Natsu grinned. "Now that's what I;m talking about! I'm fired up now! Fire Dragon-" Before he could finish using his attack I appeared behind him hit on the back of his neck knocking him unconscious.

      "Natsu!" Lucy and Happy shouted in unison. They ran toward's their nakama to see if he was ok. I sighed again and walked out of the guild. 

      "Thanks again for the beer Mira." I said before leaving guild door's. When I left the guild hall it started to rain outside. I looked up to the sky as I feel the rain touch my face. It's as if the skies want to shed their tear's for me. I looked down from thee skies and continued to walk toward's up a mountain where there is a pond. 

      It was still raining outside, but I didn't care. I arrived at the pond and looked how beautiful it was while it was raining. I sat down close to the pond looking at it. Then lighting starting to strike down from the clouds. I sighed. 

      "Well, well, well...It look's like the mighty has fallen." said Elisa. Of course Elisa would ruined the moment. I didn't talk back to Elisa and let her talk.

      "If this was easy to put you in this mood then I know you will be more depressed if someone died." said Elisa. What a drag. Can this day get any worst?

      Then lighting strike the tree's behind me that caused to start a fire. I had to ask. The rain was not heavy enough to stop the fire so I had to do it myself. I got up from the ground and looked towards the dire. I inhaled getting ready to get rid of the fire. 

      "Ice Dragon Roar!" I shouted. My breath attack was enough to get rid with the fire and noticed that some of the fire was frozen. It has seem that I have the ability to freeze fire, but it was a little. So I need to practice that. I sat back down after getting rid of the fire and looked at the pond. The rain still continued pouring down.

      "Well I never expected you to be the type of person to be depressed over a friend going to train." said a voice. I turned my head around to see Golgoth leaning against a burned tree. "You look so pathetic." He then laughed.

      "Shut up." I said. 

      "You do know that she is coming back right? Why are you so sad that she left you?" asked Golgoth.

      "I don't know... I know she is coming back, but she feel's she is a missing piece to my heart." I said. I looked up to the sky again while the rain was still pouring down. "She is the only family member I have left. I lost my real family, Glacier, and other's. When I'm around people they get hurt or worst. I feel like a magnet for danger. I think I should leave Fairy Tail."

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