Telling the truth and heated reunion

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When they arrived at Zac's house, he sent Amelia out into the garden, while he went and got a bottle of wine and two glasses, sitting down across from her.

"Now tell me darling what happened, just what you feel I need to know and what you can tell me". He poured wine for both of them.

She had been thinking a lot on the plane, about how much she should tell him, but she had decided to trust Tom when he said that Zac wouldn't see her differently and tell him the truth.

Her hands were shaking slightly when she started. "It was Daniel, you know my ex, he suddenly wrote me. He had a video with me that I didn't even knew existed and he was threatening to sell it to the tabloids".

"Oh God baby, I am so sorry to hear you had to deal with that". He grabbed her hand squeezing it over the table.

She sighed. "He wanted me to pay him half a million or to come back to him, so he could exploit my fame".

"You could have come to me baby, I could have gotten the money, it wouldn't have been a problem". He looked at her.

She sipped her wine. "I couldn't ask you to do that, I couldn't drag you down into that, I didn't want you to find out that I did those thing".

"Ami, I would never look at you differently, we all make mistakes, and you didn't know you were being filmed baby". His eyes were so filled with love and acceptance that she just wanted to cry.

She lifted his hand to her mouth, kissing it softly. "Funnily that was exactly what Tom said".

"Well now you need to tell me how Tom fits into this ? Did you answer a call from him ?" He looked just a tiny bit hurt by the idea.

She shook her head. "Tom showed up at my doorstep, ringing the doorbell until I opened and kind of forced me to tell him what was going on".

"Shit, I didn't made him do that, actually I told him everything was okay and you would come back soon". He looked a bit like he feared he was in trouble.

She smiled at him. "Don't worry, he told me. He just didn't buy it and he got my adresse from Jasper, how on earth he did that I don't know".

"I think Jasper might have a bit of a soft spot for Tom, but what then ? You told Tom the truth I am guessing, don't worry I know how he is if he wants to know something". He said.

She nodded. "Yeah he didn't give me much of a choice and he insisted in going to talk to Daniel. I don't know what he did, he wouldn't tell, but he made Daniel delete the video".

"So it is gone ? He can't hurt you again ? Fuck I owe Tom, I don't even know what I owe him, everything". He dried a tear from his cheek.

She made a face. "Well he kind of demanded to be best man at our wedding, and I told him he could be maid of honour too because he got the studios private jet to fly me home".

"You know what I love ? I love that you refer to here as home baby and that you just said our wedding without flinching". His face was lit up from the most amazing smile.

She bit her lip. "My home is where you are, of that much I am sure now and not that I am at all thinking about wedding now, but the idea doesn't scare me anymore".

He got up and walked over to Amelia, he still didn't totally get that she was really there, that she had come back to him. He had to call Tom and thank him, even though there was no way of truly expressing how thankful he was.

He leaned down to kiss her wanting, her mouth so soft against his, she tasted so sweet, kissing her was one of his favourite things to do. "I love you more than words can ever express".

She looked up at him, smiling so sweetly, a smile that never failed to make his knees go week and she whispered. "I love you too".

When he lifted her up i to his arms she snaked her arms around his neck and his heart beated faster when her mouth started leaving little kisses down his neck, what had he ever done to deserve this wonderful woman ?

He carried her to the bedroom, he longed to touch her beautiful body, to caress her soft skin, to have her fully, making her his again.

"Can I touch you ?" She looked up at him begging, wanting to make sure what mood he was is.

Today he just wanted to feel her, relish in her, feel loved. "You can do whatever you want to baby. I am not that man anymore, you don't need to ask".

Her hands ran up under his T-shirt, pulling it of him swiftly, her soft hands trailing over his stomach and chest, he closed his eyes just enjoying her touch.

Zac loved the way she would look at him and the way her hands touched him, kind of holding back, like she was afraid if she let go she couldn't stop, she made him feel loved, made him feel wanted.

He pulled of her dress and admired her body, he found her incredible beautiful and sexy, but he knew that he would love her no matter how she looked.

Her bra ended on the floor with the rest of the clothes and he kneaded her breasts, his mouth found her nipple, she tasted slightly salty and she smelled wonderful.

Her moans was such a turn on and a part of him wanted nothing more than to ravage her, but today he wanted to draw it out, to enjoy her as much as possible.

He let his mouth trail down her body, leaving kisses and small bites in his way, pulling her panties down, and going back up for a kiss so deep and wanting it made him dizzy.

His hand slowly worked its way up her thigh, finding har warm center, just ghosting over her.

She gasped when his fingers found her clit, writhing as it swelled to his touch, he let his fingers find their way to her entrance, finding her very warm and wet.

Sometimes it made him feel a bit childish, but he couldn't help feeling pride every time he made her cum, it made him happy to see the intense pleasure on her face.

By now he knew her body and found her g-spot right away, and it didn't take long before she was gasping his name, her inside clamping down around his fingers.

She pulled him up and kissed him greedily, while removing his pants as fast as she could, and he knew that she wanted him.

He closed his eyes, savouring the feeling of her, as he slowly let himself slide into her warmth, it was overwhelming, and he had to stop, breathing deeply to steady himself.

Amelia's nails scratched over his back and shoulders, making him bite his lip and up his tempo just a bit, he had to focus now, not to just let loose, but he could feel how close she was.

When she folded her legs around him, pushing him hard into her, he couldn't take anymore and he was moaning as the orgasm grabbed him. "Oh God cum with me baby".

That was her undoing, and she gasped loudly, whimpering as she spasmed around him.

When he had catched his breath just a bit, he let himself glide down next to her, pulling her into him, burying his face in her soft hair.

Possibly to late (a Zac Levi/Tom Hiddleston story) (Ami Book 3)Where stories live. Discover now