What's in his pocket

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"We have finally stopped the bleeding, he is still critical but stable, so now he just needs time and we have to hope his body can handle the pressure". The doctor looked at them.

Amelia and Luke both gasped and Luke stammered. "He.. He is gonna make it ? He isn't dead ?"

"For now, but his body has been under immense pressure, there can still arise complications, but he came through the worst and luckily he is strong and in great shape". The doctor answered.

They both thanked him several times and he told them that they could just come to him with any questions and that they were allowed to go visit Tom, but he was still unconscious.

A nurse showed them to his room and they quietly walked inside, Luke looked at her with tears in his eyes. "It's so hard seeing him like this, but at least he is alive".

"Yes, and we got to believe, you heard the doctor, he pulled through the worst of it, he beat the odds". It really was hard seeing Tom like this, he was always so strong and happy, know he looked so weak, machines everywhere.

Amelia gently grabbed his hand. "Thank you Tom, for being there for Zac when he needed you, you are my hero, please get well soon".

After about an hour Amelia went back to Zac, Luke stayed with Tom, in case he would wake up.

"Zac what is wrong ? Are you in pain ?" She had just opened the door and heard him crying, she hurried to him.

He put his left arm around her and pulled her as close as possible, resting his head against her stomach. "I'm sorry, it is embarrassing, I woke up and you weren't here, and my feelings kind of got the best of me".

"It is okay Zac you have been through so much, it is quite logical if your feelings is a bit on the outside". She gently stroked his hair.

He looked at her questioning, but his eyes said that he wasn't sure he wanted to know the answer. "Were where you ? Is there anything new about Tom ?"

"He is okay Zac, they managed to stop the bleeding, he is of course still critical, but it looks like he is pulling through". She smiled at him.

Zac started sobbing again, this time with relief and she just held him, caressing him gently.

After some time he looked up at her, his eyes shining with green swirls and his cheeks still wet with tears. "I guess it is just not my day today, me crying my eyes out".

"Sweetie it is not like you crying is something new, I would be a lot more concerned if you didn't cry". She said lovingly and kissed him.

Then she looked at him teasingly. "At least your eyes can focus know, you were flying pretty high when you came back from surgery".

"Hopefully I didn't say or do anything to embarrassing ?" He looked at her, waiting for an answer.

Amelia shook her head and smiled at him. "No it wasn't that bad, you asked me to move in with you, if your house is still standing".

"Nothing else ? And what did you answer to that ?" He tilted his head slightly and looked at her.

She felt her pulse start racing, it was something in the way he was looking at her. "I said yes of course and I meant it, not really anything else".

"Hmm could you do me a favour ? Get my phone for me, it is in the right pocket of my jeans". He pointed to the bag with his ruined clothes.

She got up and walked over to the bag, a little confused that he would leave his phone in his pants. "Of course".

She rummaged through his pocket and found something, but it was most definitely not his phone.

Possibly to late (a Zac Levi/Tom Hiddleston story) (Ami Book 3)Where stories live. Discover now