Is Tom lost ?

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Amelia didn't really know if she was relieved to wake up again, well she had to be happy to be alive, but she felt she was laying at a funny angle, it was like her balance was screwed up, and she couldn't feel up from down.

Her head was throbbing, her throat was burning and she felt lost and alone, she could feel hope seeping away.

It had to be many hours by now and outside everything was eerily silent, she felt a little like she was the last person left in the world.

Her body was longing to stretch, to move just a bit to get the stiffness out, but she had even less space now.

Had the whole building collapsed ? Or was it just the roof ? Would anyone think to look for her in the ruins ?

Her parents and Jasper had to have heard about the earthquake by then and they would try to reach her, and then probably Zac, but could they reach him ? Where was he ? Was he okay ?

She felt the panic run through her again and she sobbed, she almost wished she could just have died right away, it would have been better than just waiting for help that might never come.

But she didn't regret going back, she would exchange her time with Zac for anything, even if she could go back and choose again, she wouldn't change a thing.

Amelia just wished she had been better at telling him, make him see how extraordinary he really was and now it might be to late.

She closed her eyes and thought of him, whispering softly. "Zac I love you so much, please take care, I am waiting for you".

Zac automatically held his arms over his head when bricks and other debris rained down upon him, was this the end ?

Something hit his already hurt shoulder and he screamed from the pain, it felt like his arm had been ripped of at the shoulder and his vision went black for a moment.

Finally the quake was over, he was panting, his shoulder hurt like hell and he had been hit on the leg and hip as well.

He fought to sit up, it was hard because of the shoulder, every movement hurt and he gasped, but he was alive and could go on, he had to count that as being lucky.

Zac looked around, the dust was settling, where the hell was Tom ? He couldn't see him anywhere, but he had to be, he had been almost right next to him.

"Tom ? Where are you ? Answer me for God's sake". The last sentence was mostly a desperate plea.

He looked around starting to panic, he had to be nearby and he had to find him fast.
Then he spotted a foot sticking out from a pile of rubble and it felt like the cold hand that constantly had a grab on his heart started to squeeze hard.

"Fuck, no, no, no". He started digging frantically, removing bricks and pieces of roof as fast as possible, totally ignoring the searing pain from his shoulder.

Tom had to be okay, he couldn't do this alone and he couldn't bear to lose his friend on top of everything else, it simply wasn't an acceptable possibility.

His shoulder burned with blinding pain and he knew he was making the injury much worse, but he couldn't really care right now.

Finally he managed to get Tom free and he could feel his heart in his throat, how bad was it ?

Zac looked him over quickly, there was no big wounds or bones striking out, a couple of scrapes and cuts were all he could see, but he wasn't superman, he didn't have X-ray vision, he couldn't see if there were hidden injuries.

But Tom was pale, way to pale and his lips were turning blue and Zac knew right away that he wasn't breathing, he felt after a pulse, halfway in panic, it was there but weak and he couldn't find a heartbeat at all.

"Oh fuck Tom, you are not doing this to me". He felt the tears starting to stream down his face, apparently the weight on his chest had made it impossible for him to breathe, stopping his heart.

Zac was happy he had learned first aid and that he was actually capable of remembering it when needed and he started giving CPR.

He couldn't keep the tears back, he knew he only had a short time to bring him back and he whispered desperately. "Come on for God's sake Tom, I need you".

Possibly to late (a Zac Levi/Tom Hiddleston story) (Ami Book 3)Where stories live. Discover now