Luke's plan

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It was getting close to morning, and they hadn't seen a human being for hours and Zac was frustrated, wondering where the help was, where was the rescue crews and the volunteers searching for survivors in the rubbles.

They were getting close, and he had an urge to run, except he couldn't, he was bone tired, every muscle was sore and his shoulder was throbbing painfully.

Another part of him wanted to run away, afraid of what he would find, afraid of being to late, afraid he had to realise that he had lost her forever.

He looked at Tom with great worry, there was no longer any doubt that he needed help, he was looking pale and his breathing got more and more wheezing, he wished so much he could do something, he should have forced him to go with the firefighters.
"How are you holding up Tom ? It is okay if you just wait here". Zac put his left hand of his shoulder.

Tom shook his head. "Please stop Zac, you have been asking me every 5 minutes, it is like having my mom or Luke here".

Zac wished he had Tom's mother or Luke there, maybe they could make him listen, to realise that he needed to stop, because he was getting nowhere with him.

His worst fear was that there was no help, that they found Amelia badly injured and he had to watch her and very possibly Tom to die before him, while trying to get help.
When they turned the corner of the road her apartment building was on, or had been on, Zac felt his heart sink, the two top floors was entirely gone and the house looked like it had sunken down into the basement.

Her apartment had been on the top floor, how could she be okay if she had been home ? He suddenly felt dizzy.

"Zac maybe she wasn't there, maybe she had left". Tom put a hand on his good shoulder, but his eyes showed his fear.

Zac breathed in deeply and stood up straight. "I have to know Tom, I have to check no matter what I will find".

Tom nodded slowly and they walked towards the house, afraid of what was hidden in the ruins.

They could almost walk directly in from the street, the building had been three storeys, now it was not even one, more like half a storey and Zac was relieved she hadn't been on the bottom floor.

It was hard finding out where to start searching, everything was thrown together in a big mess, nothing told them what had been her apartment.

Zac spotted a leg sticking out from a mound of bricks and his heart stopped for a second, but then he realized that it wasn't her. "It has to be the lady from the first floor".

"I am just going to check, just to be absolutely sure". Tom said and Zac nodded.

Tom squatted down with great difficulty where the head would be and removed some bricks, then he looked up at Zac shaking his head, happy he didn't have any food to throw up.

"Ami ? Ami ?" Zac was calling for her, he didn't know what else to do and Tom started doing the same.

Toms phone started ringing and he nearly jumped out of his own skin, he looked at it and then on Zac. "Could you ? It's Luke, I don't want him to hear my breathing".

"Give it here, but I am not lying Tom, I am not telling him that you are okay, because you are not". Zac research for the phone.

Tom handed him the phone, he looked resignedly, his breathing was rasping and his skin was turning wax like.

"Hi Luke, Zac here". It wasn't a little awkward holding the phone with his left hand and hard to hear anything, there was a lot of noise on Luke's end.

Tom continued to search for Amelia. Luke's voice was nervous. "Hi Zac, why aren't Tom answering his phone himself ? Is he okay ?"

"To be honest Luke no, but he is still standing, I just don't know for how long, he doesn't look good". Zac was biting his lip.

Luke sighed resignedly. "I am on my way, I flew from New York to Vegas and I have gotten hold of a big helicopter, so I am getting you out, we will touch down in just under an hour".

"You need to find a place where we can get Tom to, where he is guaranteed immediate help Luke, I think he is bleeding internally". Zac felt relieved that help was on the way.

He would force Tom to go no matter what and he knew that with Lukes help he could, he no longer had any doubt that Tom needed help very soon, he would only go himself if he had found Amelia, no one could force him if he hadn't.

"What has happened Zac ? I need to know as much as possible, so I can get the right help ready". Luke demanded.

Zac sighed. "It was an after shock, we were too close to a falling building and got trapped under a wall, I got him out, but he.. His heart stopped. I think it was the pressure on his chest, I only barely managed to get him back, but he is getting more and more waxy and pale, and he ain't breathing right". Zac couldn't help feel guilty.

Luke gasped and his voice was a bit harsh. "For God's sake Zac, why is he still running around ? Why ain't he at a hospital ?"

"Don't you think I have tried ? You know Tom, he do not want to admit how bad it is and by the way, there is no help the get, the city is dead". Zac was well aware that he was snapping.

Luke breathed in deeply. "Okay, alright, yes I know him, give me the address, we will get there as fast as possible and I get somewhere ready to receive him".

Zac gave him the address and hang up, he hoped they would get there in time, in time to get Tom to the help he needed, he was seriously fearing for his life by now.

Possibly to late (a Zac Levi/Tom Hiddleston story) (Ami Book 3)Where stories live. Discover now