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#imagine spending a day with Luke before you go back to your home country. Both of you talking about your childhood memories and school stuffs. You asked him about his family and he gladly answered them with a smile. By.the time he asked about your life in your home you went silent, that being a sensitive question for you.

Time passed and you need to go home. The apartment you and your mother are staying at before you go back.

You said goodbye to Luke and the other boys.

"I'll miss you guys so much. I will never forget you guys" hugging all of them one by one.

"y/n! Wait" Luke yelled running towards you. "Have this (he gives you his necklace) so you will never forget me and this place."

"i will never forget this place, especially you. Youve been here ever since I moved." You said hugging him tightly and wishing that time stops so that you are still hugging him and dont stop.

Your mom called you and you boarded with her. The qhole flight is ended up thinking of the boys and most especially Luke.

Three years later

"this is it" you say in your mind. While the plane landed to Australia, the place where they are. Its been hard this past three years. You keep on thinking of the boys and Luke. You miss them dearly but you know the promise they once kept is no longer true.

They got famous and toured with One Direction. You tried talking to them through twitter but they ignored it. You cried yourself tp sleep every night. Your mom being frustrated at it sent ypu back here at Australia to go see them. Its nearly christmas and you know they arent home because you stalk them.

You parked your rented car infront of the Hemmings home and greeted by Liz. Well atleast she remembers me.

She letted you in and she said you are staying at Luke's room. You gladly accepted and she helped you with your bags. "Are you staying for a while?" She asked.

"Uhm im actually gonna stay here permanently maybe just for a few weeks here because its to much for you to handle i'll find an apartment here somewhere." You told her with a sad smile.

"Honey whats wrong you sound off?" She asked you and you didnt hesitate to cry everything to her.

"Im sorry sweety I am. I hope it all work out" she said lovingly. She hugged you. You hugged back and she gave you some time to unpack and get ready for dinner.

You were on your way down when you heard the front door opened and a boy screaming he is home you immediately recognize his voice and you went straight in his bedroom. Hes here you thought and you keep on asking yourself things you know you cant answer. You hear muffled voices at the hallway you get yourself ready for his questions. The voices stoped and you hear a load "WHAT SHES HERE!!" and the door opened revealing a shocked Luke and a concerned Liz. You stand there as the two of them talk to each other. You cant understand what they are talking about and you felt dizzy.

The door closed and you are alone with him. "What are you doing here?" He asked.

You just stared at him still collecting your voice. Your voice had fail you when you tried to speak but it came out as a whimper and you start to tear up and break down crying.

You sob all of the pain and misery and still he just stood there not knowing what to do. Then he came forward and held you "y/n dont cry I just asked why yo--" he cut himself off and said "I'll give you some space." You abruptly hold his wrist and turned him to you "You have given me enough space and not noticing any of my tweets!" You spat at him. He is shocked at first then it slowly turned into guilt and concern.

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