Thinking Author--

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Hiya guys! :)

Thank you for all of the reads.

I'm thinking if I should update now or just see you guys blow up my notifications?

No updates if no one is commenting, I told you guys that I need to see what you guys think. Based on the votes and reads it seems like you guys like it.

I am sitting here at a coffee shop staring at my laptop if  I should type out the next imagine. Which is a Calum imagine. And I am also writing songs and well recording them. Thanks for the help of my good friend JohnRey for his guitar skills haha. WELP comment guys. I need motivation.

Oh by the way to those whom I talked to about them being characters on the series I'm planning please do message me because I forgot which is which. ♥♥♥♥♥

Hearts for you all. LOVE Y'ALL! :)


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