Chapter 6: Diana

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I don't know why I am writing my story down for everyone but here it is anyway. My name as far as I know is Diana. I say this because I don't remember anything past 3 years ago. I don't fully know where it was 3 years ago that I stopped remembering the time before, there is just one really blurry month.

So for the past 3 years I have been traveling through wormholes and either training in or touring different worlds. I have learned some about my past though, I have learned how to pause time, teleport and create from the Alparnockians, I have trained as a dragon rider with the elves, I have helped the Red resistance and trained with the 'New Bloods" and discovered that I am one of them, I can change shape into any animal or being and take on their powers, I learned how to fly and control my super speed with Maximum Ride after the apocalypse, and have learned to harness the grace of survival. I have also trained with the dauntless (though I am not one of them). So I have learned my heritage somewhat and I have learned how to defend myself for trips through some of the crueler realities. But that's the past. Now my dragon, yes- DRAGON, Huntress and my cat Angel are more or less flying through time and space.

This last week we've been kind of lazy we just spent the week in the trees of the elven forest weldenvarden, since I travel with a dragon the size of a good sized house in suburbia (USA, half-blood and wizard Earth) it is usually best if I only spend about a week in the same place.

"Guys, I think it is time to go. We want to keep the elves on our good side on this world. I am talking to you Angel," I tell my friends sort of firmly sort of joking.

"It was one time!!" Angel meows angrily. "I told you that I'm allergic to Lilies!" Oh yeah, aside from being a cat Angel is telepathic and telekinetic, so when she started coughing and sneezing because of the lilies she destroyed every lily there, on the entire planet, with her mind. As in she went back in time and destroyed every single lily since forever. Also, my cat is the one that opens worm holes and can take us back in time. So now we can never visit that realm of reality again.

So we packed up the camp, me rolling up and putting in bags our few essentials, while Angel and Huntress (my dragon friend) got all the air out of Angel's and my sleeping bags. When everything was packed up and Huntress' harness was on Angel summoned a portal to the always interesting world of half- bloods and wizards or in a way that is less a mouthful the 9th dimension.

You wouldn't think so but interdimensional portals take forever to get through, as in hours of walking and flying through not quite solid space and hoping you come out the right end and don't encounter any other people. Usually we have Angel guide us through but she, being a cat, sleeps through a lot of the trip. Either in huntress' saddle or on my shoulders. Today we had about a 3 hour journey, but it was mostly straight so huntress started flying ahead, she likes to do this to check that the path is clear it always unnerves me though, because in the wormhole you can only see about 5 ft in front of me. After a little bit without huntress circling back I started to become nervous and started yelling for her to come back. This of course woke Angel up.

"Stop Yelling!" Angel meows "Huntress will be back any minute, and it's time to leave this horrible place. Go through the portal to your left before it closes. Quickly! I don't want to be left in here for another 3 hours!"

I don't argue with Angel and do as she says. I know Huntress is almost as good in here as Angel but it still worries me, leaving her behind. What if go's through the wrong portal and is captured? Sadly I must go through the portal anyway, because I know how long it takes to find another and Angel will make me if I don't get moving soon.

So after going through the portal and the 3 hours inside it, carrying Angel I was extraordinarily tired. The problem was Huntress, being the largest carried our few belongings, including the tent and sleeping bags. So the question is, where to camp without any supplies?

I do know some about building shelters in the woods, since we were right near the woods anyway I tried to find a nice place to set up camp. I have to say having night vision from being part cat can be very helpful. Then wandering into the woods to find some sticks I run into this giant, pinkish person, I think. I saw her first and then she, it was definitely a she started screaming! So I likewise responded.

"What in the wide world of cats are you!?!"  

"What in the wide world of cats are you!?!"  

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